Start my new job in a couple of hours. That's it, you know. Tomorrow I officially "live and work" in Sevierville. I'm not fucking happy about it. I'll probably never see any of my friends again. This makes me feel like I'm finally here, I'm finally back. I work and live in a town I deplore. Lovely
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If you haven't seen this then just click it. Just do it. This man is holed up inside an office in NO trying desperately to keep thousands of websites and servers running. He's gotten lots of info on the situation there and has gained national and international attention because it's one of the few ways the world is able to get a clear picture of
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I got into an argument with this dude on this message board. You can read it for yourself below. It turned out that I was able to document and prove my point as being the correct one. My problem is that I don't like that part of myself, that part of me that MUST prove what he knows to be true, that part of me that won't let someone be wrong if I
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Ate at Savelli's and really dug the baked ziti. Saw "Happy Endings" at downtown west. My first thought was, "Fuck! Mollie and Dave would totally dig this". In fact I highly recommend it. It's the first film in a while I've seen with such actors that I actually enjoyed. Jurassic Park girl is some lesbian; Tom Arnold is actually pretty good in it...
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I got a job today! YAY FOR ME! I now work at Books-a-Million in Sevierville for $7.00 an hour, which is a pay raise from Borders. I start on Friday. Bad part is that it's business casual which means collared shirt, no jeans. It's not a big deal but Borders basically had no dress code. Also they start everyone out part-time, three or four days a
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I had interview #2 @ Booksabillion today. Another lame, lame interview. It's almost as if these people aren't even trying. If I were a manager I'd act totally different. But then, why the fuck would I want to be a manager of a local crappy bookstore
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As stupid as this sounds I'd like to someday head south towards a hurricane to take pictures and video for myself. I think it'd be dangerous, probably likely very stupid, but part of me thinks it'd be an adventurous thing to do.
Today my mother came home, I had just finished cutting the grass. She began nagging at me to get a job, to wake up earlier, to clean my room, to pick up my clothes. Incessant. I took issue with her nagging, her constant questioning
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