I don't know what IJ is, but I'll check it out later.
Things are going well in some ways, not so much in others, but overall I'd say I'm in better shape now than I have been for years. Thanks for asking. *hugs*
There was quite the kerfuffle on LJ last week, what with deletion of journals and comms, some justified others were survivors' communities and fanfic.
So, I decided to go over to InsaneJournal, where policies are much more clearly defined than LJ's. I created Binky Spam! over there, and my regular journal, aristoboule is going there as well.
If there's anything I can do, let me know? *hugs back!*
Hmm. A B-, eh? Now, to me, a B- is quite good, but in these dark days of grade inflation, it could be average or worse. Gah. Just one more reason to hate NCLB: I can't tell how your life is going! ::is confused::
Comments 21
I've pretty much made the move to IJ, myself, but keeping this account for friends that don't move. Hope everything is going well?
Things are going well in some ways, not so much in others, but overall I'd say I'm in better shape now than I have been for years. Thanks for asking. *hugs*
So, I decided to go over to InsaneJournal, where policies are much more clearly defined than LJ's. I created Binky Spam! over there, and my regular journal, aristoboule is going there as well.
If there's anything I can do, let me know? *hugs back!*
Hope it's all going okay for you...
Although things have definitely improved, there are still areas that need improvement. I'd give my current life a B -. ;-)
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