Sep 28, 2004 00:36
fuck school i dont have a lunch pass
Sep 13, 2004 22:32
school sucks and i hate being there. i dont have a lunch pass yet so it sux even more, my teachers are the shit exept MISS FUCKEN MALIK. DAMNIT. and i ta for her class so i have to see her for to fucken periods, and she doesnt have a class that period. whatever im a senior now so hopefully this year will be fun.
Sep 02, 2004 11:28
Hitting someone with yur car is something youd never think you would do.
Aug 29, 2004 00:32
weekend was fun. friday went to a party. saw alot of people, i fucken hate cops, they broke it up at a bad time. saturday went to a party and got pretyy drunk. then ate at el taco lamo with rosie and jarred. and everyone knows how red my face get when i drink, well it was worse cuz the burrito was all spicy.
Aug 20, 2004 16:40
last night i had to sleep on michaels little brothers bed, not too much fun when yur 6 ft tall. but i had a little to drink along with carlos, so that made up for it. and panda express needs to be open till at least 2 in the morning, at least!
Aug 08, 2004 00:11
yeah tonight was the shit, i went to jamie's pre birthday partay, got to see alot of old friends that i havent seen in a while, oh yeah, this is my brand new lj, so comment(if you want).