(no subject)

Dec 05, 2004 17:58

-- Name: Amanda Murray
-- Birth date: 3/5/89
-- Birthplace: Lowell General
-- Current Location: Chelmsford                                                                                             -- Eye Color:  blue grey
-- Hair Color: red
-- Righty or Lefty: righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Pisces                                                                                                       - Innie or Outtie: innie

------------------ DESCRIBE -----------------
-- Your heritage: irish, polish,itilian,um probally more i donno
-- The shoes you wore today: black DC's with green shoe laces
-- Your weakness: spiders...and rejection
-- Your fears: spiders and clowns
-- One thing you'd like to achieve: graduating doing well
----------------- WHAT IS -----------------
-- Your most overused phrase: hott
-- Your thoughts first waking up: What was the dream about?
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: if there hott and there eyes
-- Your best physical features: nothing
-- Your bedtime: haha early ask erin
-- Your greatest accomplishment: i won a bike!
-- Your most missed memory: 8 grade
---------------- YOU PREFER ----------------
-- Pepsi or coke: coke
-- McDonald's or Burger King: mcdonalds
-- Single or group dates: single is better
-- Adidas or Nike: adidas
-- Chocolate or vanilla:chocolate                                                                                             -- Cappuccino or coffee: coffee i hate cappuccinos
-- Boxers or Briefs: boxers

----------------- DO YOU -----------------
-- Smoke: nope
-- Curse: yeah
-- Take a shower everyday: yes i do
-- Have a crush: Andy and Kyle                                                                                             -- Do you think you've been in love?: with Erin                                                                         -- Want to go to college: yeah
-- Like high school: ohh yeaa...
-- Want to get married: yeah
-- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: yeah
-- believe in yourself: sometimes                                                                                              -- Get motion sickness: sometimes                                                                                           -- Think you're a health freak: no
-- Get along with your parents: most of the time
-- Like thunderstorms: no                                                                                                       -- Play an instrument: no

-- Drank alcohol: yeah
-- Smoked: maybe                                                                                                                 -- Done a drug: nope
-- Been on stage: no
-- Been dumped: no
-- Gone skating: no
-- Made homemade cookies: yeah
-- Dyed your hair: no
-- Stolen anything: yeahh
-----------------HAVE YOU EVER -----------------
-- Flown on a plane: yes
-- Missed school because it was raining?: no
-- Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: yeah
-- Cried during a Movie?: yess
-- Ever thought an animated character was hot?: yea all the time                                               -- Had an imaginary friend: yeah
-- Been on stage?: not in a play or anything but yeaa                                                                -- Cut your hair: yes
-- had a crush on your teacher: no
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: no
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated?: yes                                                                         -- Been caught "doing something": yeah
-- Been called a tease: no.
-- Gotten beaten up?: no
-- Been in a fight: no
-- Shoplifted: yes

------------------ THE FUTURE ------------------
-- Age you hope to be married: by 27                                                                                     -- Numbers and Names of Children:  I want 1 or 2 kids and I want a girl named crystal
-- Descibe your Dream Wedding: dont know
-- How do you want to die?: in my sleep
-- What do you want to be when you grow up?: no clue
-- What country would you most like to visit?: Europe sorry if I spelt that wrong
----------------- NUMBER OF -----------------
-- boyfriends/girlfriends you've had: like 3 or 4                                                                        -- drugs taken illegally: only weed.
-- people I could trust with my life: 3                                                                                        -- CDs that I own: too many
-- piercings: none.
-- tattoos: none.
-- times my name has appeared in the newspaper: once                                                           -- scars on my body: some
-- things in my past that I regret: stealing...2 hundred dollers dude

----------------- FAVORITES -----------------
-- Shampoo: biloiage
-- Day/Night: Night.
-- Summer/Winter: summer
-- Lace or Satin: lace
-- Favorite Cartoon Character: recess                                                                                     -- Favorite Food: Mashed potatoes
-- Favorite Movies: American history X
-- Favorite song: let me love you
-- Favorite Singer/ Band: senses fail                                                                                        -- Favorite Actor/Actress: Adam Brody
-- Favorite sport: football                                                                                                         -- Favorite sports stars:Corey Dilion

----------------- RIGHT NOW -----------------
-- Wearing: scrubs and a white tee
-- Drinking: water                                                                                                                   -- Thinking about: why I'm taking this
-- Listening to: Hidden in plain view
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS ---------------
-- Cried: Yes.
-- Worn jeans: Yes.
-- Yelled: Yes.
-- Met someone new online:  yes
-- Done laundry: no
-- Drove a car: No.
-- Talked on the phone: Yes.

--------------- DO YOU BELIEVE IN ---------------
-- Yourself: No.
-- Your friends: Yes.
-- Santa Clause: No.
-- Tooth Fairy: No.
-- Destiny/Fate: Yes.
-- Angels: Yes.
-- Ghosts: Yes.
-- UFO's: No.

--------------- FRIENDS AND LIFE ---------------
-- Do you ever wish you had another name?: sometimes when everyone else has my name
-- Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: No.
-- Do you like anyone?: yess
-- Which one of your friends acts the most like you?:Keaten
-- Who have you known the longest of your friends?: Megan
-- Are you close to any family member?: no                                                                            -- Who do you hang around with the most?: Erin, Keaten....and people in school
-- When have you cried the most: umm i dont remember
-- What's the best feeling in the world?: knowing that someone cares
-- Worst Feeling?: sad.
-- What time is it now?: 6:15

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