Updated: Feb 23rd
From her schedule to her Inventory. More will be added later. All for this game,
discedo Weekly:
Classes: 8am - 3:30pm [Little Anchor Elementary School] | Cafe: 4pm - 7pm | Hospital: Morning - 3pm | Taking care of Barn: Evenings
Monday: Class | Cafe
Tues: Class | Barn
Weds: Class | Cafe
Thurs: Class | Barn
Fri: Class | Cafe
Sat: Hospital | Cafe
Sun: Hospital | Cafe
--Omamori type: kanai anzen (ensure general good health and help those with illness.)
Unlike the other omamori, this one is a metal good luck bell charm with a braided red fabric cord attached to the top. The Japanese writing on the charm reads kaiun which means "to open luck". A purple headband with a plastic rose and black ribbon attached to the side. (Given by Rika)
--Satoshi's bat
--deck of cards [game club cards]