Swashbuckle Me THIS, You Heroic Hooded Hoodlum!

Mar 31, 2009 22:25

As a long-time fan of Chad Underkoffler, I was going to enter the Swashbucklers of the 7 Skies Logo Contest. This entails using their "original" logo in some new and creative fashion.

Unfortunately, while perusing my old records for inspiration, imagine my surprise when I discovered that this logo isn't so original after all!

But seriously, here's my entry to the aforementioned contest. If you're a fan of Chad's, or you believe (probably correctly) that an RPG entitled Swashbucklers of the 7 Skies deserves a look or seven, then check our the website.

(And, yes, the original logo is, in fact, the intellectual property of Evil Hat Productions. Used with permission, presumably, since it's their darn contest. Frank Gorshin didn't have anything to do with this; he's still dead, as far as I know, which is a darn shame. But it's a parody, so I'm pretty sure I'm covered. But if I'm found unconscious in my bed with a ticking box covered in question marks, it was probably Hush.)
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