(no subject)

Jul 21, 2005 00:13

1.What time is it now? 11:43 PM
2.Single or taken? Single
3.What does your name mean? I dont think it means anything
4.Who picked out your name? Father
5.What's your nickname? Ovie
6.What color are your eyes? brown
7.Do you have an innie or an outie? Innie
8.What size are your shoes? 9 1/2
9.How tall (or short) are you? 5'6
10.Honestly, what do you like about yourself? I suck
11.What do you always get complimented on? My fucking hair
12.Worst quality? Im too negative
13.What are the last four digits of your phone Number? 2320
14.Do you think you're cute? Nope
15.Hair color? Brown
16.Do you wear contacts? Yes
17.Living Arrangements? Parents
18.Favorite drink? Diet Dr. Pepper
19.Favorite alcoholic drink? Crown Royal and coke
20.Favorite Month? November
21.Favorite Food? Spaghetti
22.Favorite Board Game? Monopoly
23.Web Site? At the moment mugglenet, because im currently obsessed with the harry potter books
24.Favorite Clothing Brand? Polo
25.Favorite day of the year? Christmas
26.Favorite color? Green
27.Favorite Animal? Dogs
28.Do you have more girl or boy friends? Girl
29.Are your parents together? yes
31.How often do you get together with the family? once a month
32.Do you see your parents or your friends more? Parents
33.Anything special about your parents? Nope
34.Siblings and their ages? Brother, 9
35.You think you are a flirt? No
36.You're slutty? No
37.You're mean? I hope not
38.You like someone? nope
39.You can keep secrets? yes
40.You dance in front of the mirror? no
41.You sing in the shower? no
42.You liked Britney Spears? no
43.You've liked a cousin? Nope
44.You've been in the opposite sex bathrooms? nope
45.Ever hurt anyone? I hope not
46.You've been hurt? yes
47.You swear? All the fucking time
48.You get your way? Never
49.You're willing to try new things? Yup
50.You've cheated on a test? yes
51.What are you wearing? clothing
52.What color are your pants? khaki
53.What are you listening to? pinback-non photo blue
54.How are you feeling? Ok
55.What are you doing now? filling out this quiz for the 2nd time
56.What are you eating? tacos
57.How's the weather? its alrite
58.What books are you reading? None at the moment, sadly
59.How many lip glosses do you have?
60.What perfume do you use?
61.What's in your purse?
62.Tall or short boy?
63.Blonde or brunette guys?
64.Boxers showing?
65.Long hair or short hair on boys?
66.What's the first thing you notice about guys?
67.What kind of cologne do you use? none
68.What are in your pockets? Nothing
69.Boxers or briefs? Boxers
70.Blonde or brunette girls? It doesnt matter
71.Tall or short girls? Umm, shorter than me
72.Piercings on girls? Im fine with it
73.Long or short hair on girls? It doesnt matter
74.Good or bad girl? Good
75.What do you find annoying in girls? bitchiness, and someone who always says "like" all the time
76.What's the first thing you notice about girls? Face
77.Last movie you saw? Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
78.What did you have for dinner? tacos
79.What are you hoping for? Nothing at the moment
80.What movie do you really want to see? Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
81.Where is your favorite place to travel? Dallas
82.What did you last dream about? I dont remember
83.What was the last thing you ate? Tacos
84.If you were a crayon what color what would you be? Green
85.Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? I dont remember
86.Do you like the person that sent this to you? I got it from brian, hes an asshole, jk
87.Ever had a crush on a teacher? no
88.Are you too shy to ask someone out? Yes
89.Scarbothhmm? wtf
90.What was your longest relationship? never had one
91.Relationship or one night stand? relationship
92.Chocolate or vanilla ice cream? none
93.Do you want your friends to write back? If they want
94.Who is most likely to respond? I dont know
95.Who is least likely to respond??? I dont know
96.What did you do last night? Buy hurricane crap
97.Anything else you want to add? Nope
98.Time finishing? 11:52 PM
99.Sad movies or happy ending? sad movies
100.Summer or winter? winter
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