Turns out, I'm far luckier than I ever knew i was.
For those who don't know, I've been having serious car troubles lately. Sooo, took my Tax Cheque, and blew most of it on car maintainence (and the rest on the kiddies)
went to the Hyundai dealership near work (so i could get the car worked on while not needing it) and told them i thought it needed a service, a transmission service, a couple of door handles replaced and the head-lights checked.
rang them at lunch time to make sure there'd been no surprises .. then rang again twice in the afternoon to get a final bill before collecting it.
they did all the things i suggested it might need .. and i had enough in the tax cheque to cover it all.
but .. when i arrived to collect it, they told me it needed a new water-pump asap (something they'd neglected to tell me during the SEVERAL phone covo's during the day) yeah .. so they say, "The water pump needs doing pretty soon, and keep an eye on the temp"
then, before my next payday can even roll around .. it boils, and does the head and now i have a car which is DEAD DEAD DEAD .. and in need of thousands to get it fixed.
did they just totally fuck me over ? ... that was retorical, because i KNOW they fucked me over.
:: sulk ::
so, since last monday (yes, a full week ago) i've been car-less.
Mother was down south being a rich retiree, and seeing the Loin King, so i 'borrowed' (aka stole) her car but she got back on friday night .. and i found myself again car-less ...
so ... yesterday mum drives me to work .. then picks me up for my hospital appointment and drives me to that .. then once i'm done there, i ring her again, to pick me up and take me to collect the kids. But, when she shows up at the hospital, its not her lovely car shes driving, but a different, but just as lovely car. Shes test driving it.
and this .. is where we get to the spoiled part ... she's decided to use my piece of crap DEAD car as a trade in on a new car for herself, and i get to inherit her LOVELY near new car.
its only 6 yrs old .. and shes been its only owner .. so its all perfect (shes the perverbial little old lady who drives it to church on sundays)
its offically mine this thursday, when she collects her NEW car from the dealership.
I'm so grateful for her .. and for her $$$ which allow her to do this for me ..
y'all are free to feel jealous of me now .. if i wasn't me, i'd be jealous ... ::grin::
also .. very glad my net buddies who live in Florida managed to avoid being maimed during the recent weather tantrum .. ::hugs ya all::