New LJ. HSJ =]
New LJ! I didn't like the username of my other account, so I made this one!
I spent two to three days already finding HSJ scans from magazine like Myojo, Potato, Popolo, and Wink Up. So far, I have most of them from 2010 in different HSJ communites! =] But I am having trouble finding the ones from 2009 and 2008 because most of the livejournal communities that have those scans are locked and I am still confused as to how livejournal friends lock/community lock work =/
Anyway... I watched the makings of all of HSJ's PVs today. I think they are very awesome! I think Hikaru, Yabu, Inoo, and Daiki are very funny and Chinen is very cute =] but i like all of them.
Oh yeah.. yesterday.. when I was looking through facebook pictures, I found this:
I think this is really cute because they are all in uniforms! ^_