I only feel like this every day of my life. And it makes it worse because I feel so guilty. I mean, we're building this new house. And I go to this ungodly amount of money costing school. I mean, I love my school. But it's full of rich people. And so many people just hate it and don't see what they're getting out of it for their money. And it breaks my heart to hear about my teachers, like today my teacher was telling us how much money she had to spend to fix her bathroom because it was leaking and how she like didn't have the money. And so many teachers are like that because they don't get paid dirt. And you're so right, they are completely the basis of everything. And oh my gosh, I could write so much more but I won't because I have to do homework, I'm going to go appreciate my wonderful teachers and the education they're working so hard for nothing to give us. Love you.
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