
Apr 21, 2004 02:25

i give in. i am intrigued by the three question phenomenon.
i want to join the band(wagon).
hit me with your best shot.

In Other News: i might actually get some money for school this year, because my parents are now divorced and my mom is going back for her RN. so we look like we have less money than we do. cross your fingers.

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Comments 7

hockeyrosie April 21 2004, 00:10:23 UTC
he was with a bunch of friends at the old insane asylum in Kzoo and the cops caught them...there were 8 of them total and there were like 30 WMU students there having a party. All got arrested and charged with Illegal Entry which is a misdemeanor penalty. So yeah it's THAT big a deal, but it's still a broken law that requires a court date and possibly a permanent smudge on his record unless we can get the Holmes Act used.... oi!


ungodlikedeity April 21 2004, 16:45:53 UTC
1) What is the most selfish thing you have ever done?
2) What do you want me to know about you that I don't already?
3) Who is your biggest role model?

4) Top 5 albums


wakokipesni May 1 2004, 21:02:48 UTC
1- failing out of my first year of college. that was irresponsible toward my roommates, my professors, the people who gave me money to go to school, and my parents who paid those people back. all because i am crazy ( ... )


ungodlikedeity May 2 2004, 10:51:44 UTC
Please remove Dave Mathews Band. Please remove Dave Mathews Band.Please remove Dave Mathews Band.Please remove Dave Mathews Band.Please remove Dave Mathews Band.Please remove Dave Mathews Band.Please remove Dave Mathews Band.Please remove Dave Mathews Band.Please remove Dave Mathews Band.Please remove Dave Mathews Band.Please remove Dave Mathews Band.Please remove Dave Mathews Band.FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE REMOVE DAVE MATHEWS BAND.


wakokipesni May 5 2004, 07:26:09 UTC
i can't.
it's on the list of cds that i have worn out over the years. i don't listen to him anymore, but i have to be truthful right?


3 Questions tylily April 24 2004, 10:30:09 UTC
1. What is a stupid little thing(s) that bugs you?

2. What are two good or favorite memories that pop into your head?

3. If you were a vegetable and/or animal, what would you be?


Re: 3 Questions wakokipesni May 1 2004, 21:10:00 UTC
1- people who say "irregardless", or "i could care less".

2- spring break my freshman year with mike in chicago. my first time in the city, my first time on a train, my first i love you.
and, i remember being in my grandfather's "cave of snakes" and him trying to scare my sister's and me with stuffed rattlesnakes. (first things i could think of)

3- what falls into the category of vegetable AND animal? anyway, i'd probably be an owl because i'd sleep all day and be up all night if i could. and i'd like to be asparagus because it makes your pee smell. :)


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