hey, look: it's Christmas

Dec 25, 2005 00:02

Disclaimer: i like to be caught up on other people's journals before i post in my own. but then again, i also like my cave and have temporarily added additional lighting. there's a little bit of hypocrite in all of us.

it's been bugging me: new christmas lights have a different coloring scheme than old christmas lights and, since colored lights were "out" for awhile, nearly everybody has new colored chrismas lights. they look funny. the ones in my dorm room are new and they've looked funny since october. i figured it out tonight. the ones in my orange room are red-orange-green-blue. the new ones add purple and the red is more pinkish and they just look different. and the best part about christmas is all of the traditions.

i'm missing christmas again this year. but not quite as badly as last year, i don't think. maybe. it's lost its magical touch. all i see is the waste. oh so much waste. the love remains. i don't need things from the people i love and who love me to know that it's true. sure it's nice to have an excuse to get people things that'll make them happy, but really, who needs excuses? and from the people with whom i don't feel the love? the gift is generally meaningless anyway, whether or not it is liked. and all that wrapping paper. it felt weird to cut nice, clean paper to cover a box that's going to be opened the next day. also, all that shopping. it seems like so many things that are purchased aren't even appreciated. (i say seems because generalizations are always contradicted, and i'm in my own world in which my reality is reality. of course.) tonight after ashby's family's annual Christmas Eve party, as i was going to take daisy out, contemplated what i was going to do for the evening: i need to clean out the orange room cuz it's horribly unorganized and i need to prepare for Costa Rica... and then i remembered that i still had presents to wrap and that we were going to start opening presents tonight cuz we're so slow about it.

oh, man. but the love on Friday was intense. or, rather, to quote Rosie, "extense," because the intensity was external. it surrounded us all. i can't even begin to describe Friday, but watch me attempt anyway. i know you've got hidden webcams. ok i'm tired. anyway, trying to suppress the responsorial voice... friday was so amazing that i forgot to take my malaria pill. uh, yeah sarah, sure. that makes it amazing. 24 hours with Gia. tracked down Chris because i rock. lunch at B&E's. found Maya at Chrysalis. hung out at Murky and saw Luke, Thomas, Barbee, little Sam, big Sam, Jacob (who used to work there), ... went to Abi's with Chris, Maya, and Gia for dinner. went home by way of Rosie's house. chilled. got a massage (oh baby!). jokingly the massage was in exchange for altered evening plans. the joke became reality and was utterly amazing. original plans: go to PostSecret exhibit, visit La Tasca and eat tapas, tour the monuments late. Rosie's idea: go to the free DJ'd christmas party at the Black Cat. i hadn't been up for dancing (she'd invited me the night before, too), but snapped into shape. lately i've needed a lot of motivation and outside pressure to go out like that. but when i do go out, i (usually) have so much fun. i've only really been dancing like that since homecoming last fall when gia and davi sandwiched me between themselves and started dancing. ha: that's how i learned to dance. ballet stiffened me up. anyway, i'm at least up for it now. after i'd crashed a few times on the dance floor (and after i never did get that 1/2 a beer i wanted), we got some munchie food and went back to G's place where we ate and talked. i slept between Maya and Gia. i slept very well. i was good to see Maria and Stuart and Vivian and Kane in the morning. i love talking to interesting people. manohmanohman. the rest is history. rather, it's all history. but that outline should be able to take me back there pretty well.

it was weird looking at gia's calender and seeing all of the pages up top and only one on the bottom. time really does fly by. it's actually rather continual (who woulda thought?) and flowing. everything blurs together, as Chris was saying, and it's hard to keep track of events, whether they've already happened or have only been planned. like walking home from dinner on campus, every day i can't believe that another day has gone by. good. bad. amazing. horrible. relieving.

oooh, sirens never mean good things.

my fingers are rusty.

my bed beckons. so does my phone. my phone will be ignored. my bed will not. cell phones sprout evil. (image: cell phones with bean sprouts growing out of them. ha.)

it's been really good to see people. really weird to see places. w-l is not welcoming. ib is in my past. Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. i still don't like tv very much. i need to get moving. taking advantage of this year is amazing. now, to make the next year even more spectacular. onward and upward. new year's and my birthday in costa rica. sustainable development. which is not at all what i used to think it was. i'm so excited, really.

share the Love.

wishing you warm winter holidays
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