thought I'd be a good girl and introduce myself :D
there is probably extremely much to say, but I don't want to bore you all by rambling on about my sexual ambivalence, so yeah screw that ;DD
Well, I'm a 17yrs old girl from sweden who has a huge music interest. I think it all started when I was 11 or something and started listen to The Ark. the really got me hooked on something, and I haven't been able to let go.
got kinda interested in Sebastian already the first time I saw him on the show, much because his "But I thought we were going shopping? *pout*". But then I wasn't that impressed by his performances in the beginning, I though he was a bit lame. cute and camp and all that, but not nothing special. I still kept on keeping my fingers crossed for him tho, because I still found him better than all the others, and I though he had potential of becoming something really nice.
I got kinda excited when I heard that he would sing It takes a fool to remain sane, but I was a bit dissapointed afterwards. It wasn't until Life on Mars? I actually started loving him the way I do now n_n'
me and my friend Rebecka are by now quite obsessive and have driven all our other friends insane XD
Rebecka gave me these badges for my b-day :DD
I've always had a quite changing style, I can't really keep to one. I've gone through pop, panda, glam, goth'n'glam, goth, punk, FRUiTS, and now I've kind of got some sort of... ehe... Seb-wannabe-style XD (not totally, but I'm obviously inspired by him)
lol seb's not the only one who can pout and look like a horny moron XD
I love to play around in photoshop ^^'
I started this community when I couldn't find any, either on or off LJ (I know about now, but hey, WHW is so much better XD). I have quite some experience from webdesign and running websites because of my two sites and (first one is a the ark fansite, second one a site for my personal art and other stuff)