Christians Should Celebrate Halloween

Nov 01, 2004 22:51

By Dani’el Rendelman

Every year around this time Bible believers begin to struggle with the issue of Halloween.  Simply listen to this week’s Sunday sermon at many churches and you’ll hear about the evil history of this holiday.  Or just visit your local Christian bookstore and you’ll find several volumes about the wickedness of Halloween and how people who call themselves “Christians” should not celebrate this day that children relish.  Many believers decide not to celebrate this festival because of the holiday’s pagan roots and glorification of witchcraft and evil.  So, kids are not allowed to go trick-or-treating, yards are not decorated, and costumes are forsaken.  While other religious groups tell their people to simply ignore the festive holiday altogether.

But, after much research into this subject, and reading several books about the origin of Halloween, I have come to a startling conclusion that is only logical.  Christians should celebrate Halloween.  Yes, they should not withhold this day of ghosts and goblins from their children.  You see, promoting Halloween stops Christians from becoming hypocrites and frees them from following the truth of their own words.

Does Halloween have its roots in false worship? Yes it does.  Does the Bible speak against believers acting like pagans?  Yes it does.  Is Halloween a high holy day of Satanism and Wicca?  Yes it is.  Are there scriptures against celebrating Pagan holidays?  Yes, there are.

Just a little research and scripture searching reveals these facts.  Yet, most people do not stop long enough to question whether or not what they are doing is right.  Halloween does have its ancestry in the worship of the Druids and Celts.  And everything from bobbing for apples, to dressing up in costumes, to carving a jack-o-lantern has pagan roots and can be traced back to false worship.  Regardless of these facts and the evilness of the day, Christians should celebrate Halloween and even churches should encourage their members to have a merry time on All Hallows eve.  This is of course, unless Christians are willing to forsake all pagan holidays and practices.  With false worship and paganism, it’s all or nothing.  You simply can’t pick and choose as you wish.

Quite frankly, the question is not should a believer observe Halloween.  The real question, the real issue at hand is - “should a believer keep pagan holidays and pagan actions?”

Do you agree that Bible believers are to obey the scriptures and “not go in the way of the pagans?”  Do you have the same opinion of the Bible writers that Christians are to be set apart and different?  If so, then more than just Halloween has to change.  Otherwise, you are doing nothing more than saying one thing and doing another -rejecting one pagan holiday while accepting other pagan holidays.  I believe the Bible says that a “double minded person is unstable in all their ways.”  So, don’t tell your children not to celebrate Halloween if you are going to allow them to open presents on December 25.  Don’t prohibit your kids from trick-or-treating if you allow them to commemorate Easter.  And don’t attend Halloween parties or “harvest festivals” if you send roses on Valentine’s Day.  Doing so would blend truth with falsehood, light with darkness, and send mixed signals to everyone around you.

The truth is that just as Halloween has its roots in paganism, so does Christmas, Easter, Sunday worship (walking_asleep says:  I don't agree with sunday worship being wrong) and most holidays on the religious and secular calendars.  Just open up an Encyclopedia or do a simple internet search on ‘pagan holidays’ and you’ll find that millions of Christians around the world celebrate days and celebrate in ways that not only are embedded in evil but are staunchly opposed by the Bible itself.

To Sunday worship the Bible says, “Six days shall you labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath.”  Sunday is the first day of the week, not the seventh.  To worship on this day and not keep the seventh day Sabbath clearly breaking one of the Ten Commandments. (walking_asleep says:  there's a passage in the book of Acts, I think, that my dad showed me where God tells the Apostles to set aside a time on the 1st day of the week to worship or som'm... I do think we shouldn't forget the Shabbot, or sabbath, day that God rested, but I think everyday should be set aside as a day to worship our Creator)

And just a little research reveals that Christmas is probably more pagan and evil than Halloween.  Besides the obvious Santa Claus issue, most Christmas traditions have their roots in false worship including the date of December 25, the mother and child, and even having a Christmas tree.  To decorating a tree for any purpose whatsoever the Bible says in Jeremiah 10:2, “Do not learn the ways of the pagans or be terrified by signs in the sky, though the nations are terrified by them.  For the customs of the peoples are worthless; they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel.  They adorn it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter.”  This verse clearly states that it is wrong to have Christmas tree.  Please notice that if it is wrong in the eyes of Almighty then good intentions do not give sanction.

So, are you willing to give up the evil holiday of Christmas?  What about Lent or Easter?  If not, you might as well dress up with your children and trick-or-treat together.

Yes, Christians should celebrate Halloween, unless they are willing to forsake all paganism and accept the truth of a Biblical culture rooted in Holy Days and not holidays and a Hebraic heritage full of Biblical customs and traditions.   Its sad to say, but the culture of Christianity, for the most part, is no different than that of the world.  To this the Bible is clear that believers should be set apart and “in the world but not of the world.” Yet most Christians have accepted worldly holidays with pagan worship and rejected Biblical festivals with true worship.  What about you?  Are you serious enough about your faith to abandon pagan practices for Biblical worship?  Or are you unwilling to reject wicked actions for Biblical truth?  The choice is yours. 
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