So I've been searching the web for the tiniest bit of news I can about Allison Mack either returning or leaving SV for it's 10th and, apparently, final season. Sidenote: As the inevitable final season, if Clark doesn't fly, we all will have wasted a great portion of our lives. Just letting you know! Anyway, onto the important stuff!
In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, AM revealed that she'll "only be in a few episodes of the final season". And here's a direct quote straight from everybody's favorite girl friday herself!
AM: "It's amazing to think that Chloe Sullivan and I have been one in the same for over a third of my life. I'm truly humbled by the love and loyalty of all the fans whose enthusiasm has carried me - along with a cast and crew which has become my second family - over the past 9 and a half years. Out of respect for the amazingly loyal fans and the place I will always have in my own heart for Chloe, I'm coming back for several episodes next season to tie up Chloe's Smallville legacy properly. It's been a life-changing ride,and I look forward to what lies ahead with the strength of a ‘superhero' as my foundation."
This totally bums me out! Especially since her and Oliver just got together! And we all know that won't last if she's not around as a regular and he is, which still isn't really known right now. UGH! This just seems wholly unfair to all us loyal, devoted fans but at least she's in seven episodes. It sucks that she won't be a regular, given that she's the last main female and, besides TW, the only regular since Season 1. *sigh* This kinda blows and I definitely don't think I'll watch the show this season, except when she's on.