OOC Information

Aug 26, 2009 16:23

In-Character Information
Name: Suicune, "Alveus"
Series: Pokemon
Occupation or status upon arrival:
Suicune is a wanderer, but resides near any sort of water. He probably lives at the park.


Suicune is humble, polite, and kind-hearted person. He rarely raises his voice, and if he does it is simply to chastise someone's ignorant or rude behavior. Suicune finds it hard to be around especially loud individuals, and prefers quiet conversations to noisy outbursts. He considers himself a worldly individual, and while he may not have met most of his fellow legendaries he certainly has read up on them or simply heard of them. He considers Enkei and Raikou to be his brothers, and while he does love them finds them unbearable to be around most of the time. Which is partly why he has traveled so far out of the Johto and Kanto regions where they last wandered. The legendary beast is actually quite afraid of being alone, however, and if left alone for too long becomes depressed. This may be why he enjoys taunting many a pokemon trainer with his appearance, but running away once a battle starts. One might view him as being a coward because he runs, but he figures if someone is truly determined to catch him that they'll give chase without relenting. He despises greedy trainers, and whenever he encounters one desperately hopes that they will be crushed by a falling Onix or something. Suicune prefers a male human form, and to be referred to as 'he' by humans rather than 'she', due to his pride - and the fact that nobody would think of Entei or Raikou as females. When he's referred to as a girl, this irritates him, and usually will be responded to by pouting. It is said he embodies the compassion of a pure spring of water, and he does. Suicune especially shows his compassion and gentle side to water-type pokemon. Suicune speaks elegantly and is actually quite fond of small-talk with pokemon he knows.


It is said that when Brass Tower was burned, three pokemon died inside and were granted new life by the legendary Ho-oh as the three Legendary Beasts: Entei, Raikou, and Suicune. Suicune would often explore the forest around the remains of the tower before quickly retreating back into the basement level where he made his home alongside his brothers. It was one day in the tower that granted him his first direct contact with humans. A boy fell from an upper level into his basement home, and at first Suicune himself was terribly frightened. He'd seen humans from a distance, but never had he ever expected one to simply tumble into the tower's lower levels where he and his brothers lived. Though he quickly realized that the boy wouldn't know how to get out of the tower, and his compassionate side took over. Gently he led the boy out of the tower, ensuring that they take the safest route to Ecruteak city. Once outside, however, Suicune escaped into the forest bordering the city in order to avoid anyone else seeing him. It was at that time that Suicune decided he would not return to the tower, and instead journey across Johto and beyond.

It was awhile after he had started travelling that Suicune realized that the boy he saved was now following him. Though initially this agitated him, and his only intention was to drive him off his trail, soon Suicune found it fun to play this game of cat and mouse.

Inside the tower, Suicune only ever had his brothers to battle - and while Entei could be weakened by his water attacks, Raikou would often come to his brother's aid and knock Suicune away. But now, in the wilderness, he had a real challenge. Though he tried to make it look like he was simply wandering around, Suicune would often hide and wait for this man named "Eusine" to catch up and sometimes stick around for a small battle...before running off again.

Suicune would never admit it, but he sometimes wishes that he could actually see his brothers again or even their "mother" Ho-oh. Actually, one of the greatest wishes he has is to meet all of the legendaries there are. His other wish is to see Eusine get stronger as a trainer, and become powerful enough to one day catch him. He's never actually seen the human up-close as he got older, but he can instantly recognize his voice and clothing.

What brings this person to Diamond City?:

Suicune has come here disguised as a human, as he has grown tired from his constant running and only wants to rest without an attempt at capture. Though that's initially what he came for, he ended up staying longer than he wanted to, because of how much the city seemed to grow on him.

Misc. Notes:
[x] Suicune can transform into a human, as to hide his true form as the legendary beast.
[x] Because Suicune is genderless, his human form can be either male or female depending on which he wants it to be.

Example Post:

Diamond city, hm? This definitely strikes me as an upstanding place, I really do admire how little pollution there is around here.
If it is no bother, could someone find the time to point me to the nearest natural water source? A pond in the park, or maybe a coast.

I'd like to rest a bit, and the sounds of nature relax me. If anyone would assist me in this, I'd be most thankful.

So as not to seem rude, I'll go ahead and introduce myself. My name is Alveus, a wanderer.

ooc info

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