Soiler S505 - Spanish translation

Oct 09, 2009 23:24

Hi! I wanted to share a translation of the Spanish dialogue with the boys.
I hope my under the cut works fine.
If you can help me with a word that said Dean better.

woman: no puedo vivir aqui. mecesito mi familia.Me voy ahora, me voy a la casa.
(I can´t live here, I need my family. I´m leaving now, I´m going home)
No, me voy a la casa en el salvador ahora
(No, I´m going to my home in The Salvador now)
Dean: Consuelo Albarez?
FBI.You said you saw something in the professor´s house. right? something in the window
woman: Estaba sacando la basura, mire por la ventana y vi al hombre que mató al señor Hill
(I was taking the garbage out and I looked through the window and saw the man that killed Mr Hill)
sam: Señora Alvarez, cálmese por favor.
(Mrs Alvarez, pelase calm down)
Díganos lo que vio?
(Tell us what you saw)
Dean: Nice.
Sam: Freshman Spanish
wonam: Era alto, muy alto y llevaba un abrigo negro largo y tenia bigotes
(He was tall, very tall and was wearing a long black cout and had moustache)
Sam. Ok, hmm tall man, very tall with a long black cout and a beard? a beard
mujer: y un sombrero (and a hat)
Dean:Dude was wearing a sombrero?(hat)
sam: mm no not a hat hm
mujer: no no no un sombrero alto (a tall hat)
sam: a tall hat?
dean: oh like a top hat
woman: un sombrero alto, muy alto (a tall hat, very tall)
Dean:do you mean like a stovepipe?(thank you to mistyzeo for helping me with the word )
mujer: si (yes)
Dean: oh yeah, like Abraham Lincoln
mujer: si, el presidente Lincoln (yes the presindent Lincoln)
mujer; Abraham Lincoln killed mr hill
woman: so can i go home now?
sam: si, gracias (yes, thank you)
dean: gracias (thank you)

then with the laptops

Dean says: mucho loco (very crazy)
sam: says you dont say mucho say muy (muy loco)(very crazy)

spolier s505

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