stolen from lucifer <3
[have you evers..]
smoked / / nope
done drugs / / nope
gotten drunk / / maybeee :)
ran away / / not really..ran into like the backyard and pretended to
got in a fight / / yes
kicked a guy in the nuts / / no.
bitch-slapped someone / / uh no
gotten a death threat / / well ive heard people say "im gonna kill you" so yeah.
given a death threat / / all the time
been stalked / / eh not like insanely
stalked / / haha yes
skinnydipped / / yes me and my kenwalers became very close one night at molly's hah
had sex / / nope
madeout / / of course
saw your parents have sex / / thats disgusting
broken a law/ / i dont know.. dont think so
thought of suicide / / nope
attempted suicide / / nope
cried / / of course
had an emotional breakdown / / yesss a few times
killed something / / ive killed bugs..
least favorite memory / / dont wanna talk about it
funniest memory / / 360! WINDOW WATCHERS. hahahha .. GISELLE
most humiliating moment / / :-/
Store / / probly either ae, or hollister.. hollister is amazing bc it plays good music, and i love it.. and carlos works there.
Sport / / footballl
Vacation spot / / ohhioooo. haha
Fruit / / apples or peaches
Candy / / fuzzy peaches
Class / / english
Holiday / / my birthday :-) .. or valentines dayy
Day of the week / / saturday
Color / / red, yellow ,green, blueee. <3
Month / / july, januaryy
Animal / / dk.
Room in your house / / my rooom
Meat / / uhh steak
Pizza topping / / pepporoni
State / / New Yorkkkkkk
Season / / prob summer
College / / im thinking of something in the boston, innercity area..
Number / / 6
Book / / this lullaby, the lovely bones.. the giver
Cereal / / hmmm..i cant think right noww
tv shows / / one tree hill, the oc, real world.. real typical stuff. lol
junk food / / funyuns salt n vinegar chips chex mix .. . yuum
overall food / / i dont knoww
fast food / / mcdonalds, burger king.. ARBYSS
restaurant / / fiorentino's
shampoo / / herbal essences
scary movie / / chuckie is the only scary movie i like. lol
grade / / 6th
In the past 24 hours have you::
Had a serious talk? / / nope
Hugged someone? / / daddy
Fought with a friend? / / no
Cried? / / no
Laughed? / / of course.. when do i not laugh
Made someone laugh? / / yess
Bought something? / / nopee
Flirted with someone? / / naaa. hah
Felt stupid? / / possibly.. dont remember
Talked to someone you love? / / yeah
Missed someone? / / YESSSSSSS i always do :/
have you ever::
Eaten an entire box of oreos? / / nope
Been dumped? / / yeaah
Had someone be unfaithful to you? / / i dont think so
Stayed home on saturday night, just because? / / all the time
Seen the white house? / / not in person
Seen the eiffel tower? / / not in person
Drank alcohol? / / yess
Gotten drunk? / / yess
Played monopoly? / / yess
Jumped on a trampoline? / / mmhm
Had a bubble bath? / / not for a while
Been on a plane? / / yea :-/
Been on a boat? / / yeppp.. those ck fishing trips with the extremely hot fisherman dude who gave me his card ;-)
Been on a train? / / of course.. i do live in new york
Stayed up all night? yeahh
Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? / / i acnt shove stuff under my bed.
Broken a bone? / / no ::knocking on wood::
Called a physchic or sex hotline? / / nope
Watched jerry springer? / / yeah! reminds me of mon.. JERRY JERRY
Gotten in trouble for talking in class? / / yeahh
Been afraid of the dark? / / yeah heh
Been in the hospital(not visiting)? / / yeppp
If so .. why? / / when i was a baby my eyes were rolling back. who knows.
stithes / /no
Lied? / / yeahh
Been arrested? / / naaa
Got caught by the cops? / / naaa
been chased by the cops? / / nope
Fallen asleep in class? / / yes. hha
Used food for something other than to eat? / / my jello animal cell in bio. hahaha
Met a celebrity? / / nopee
Broken the law? / / na
Hated yourself? / / yes unfortunantly
Been brokenhearted? / / yess
Broken someone's heart? / / ugh yes, thats worse.
would u ever--
bungee jump / / hell yeah
sky dive / / y not
swim with dolphins / / hell yeah
scuba dive / / yeah
go rock climbing / / yeah probly
eat shit for $1,000,000 / / i'll think about that one thats alot of money
turn your back on your friends for personal gain / / nope
steal a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend / / nope
cross-dress / / yesss
lie to the police / / depends
lie to your parents / / depends
walk up to a stranger and kiss them / / noo. lol
be an exotic dancer / / no!
walk out of a restaurant without paying / / never
streak / / hahahahha i have never done anything of the sort!!!
do you::
Like to give hugs? / / yepp
Like to walk in the rain? / / love to.. not in the park tho, cuz it gets too muddy.. but i do enjoy it
Prefer black or blue pens? / / black
Dress up on Halloween? / / yes
Have a job? / / baby sitting
Like someone? / / eh.. who knows.
Sleep on your side, tummy or back? / / in a ball. haha
Have a goldfish? / / naa
Ever have the falling dream? / / yess
Have stuffed animals? / / of course
Do you believe in the horoscopes? / / yes
Do you like your handwriting? / / yes
What superhero would you like to be? / / catwomann.. wonderwoman.
Do you have any piercings? / / yes
Any tattoos? / / nope
Are you picky? / / always
What makes you mad? / / people.
Do you like cartoons? / / yess! recesss
What did you do today? / / went to school.
yur parents annoying? / / yesss
What kind of shampoo do you use? / / herbal essences.. agen
Do you use big words to sound smart? / / sometimes
When you get mad, do you swear a lot? / / not really.. depends
Ever worn black nail polish? / / yepp. lol
How many sheets are on your bed? / / 1.. i dont even put the other one on anymore cuz i just kick it off.
Whats under your bed? / / nothing.
Do you like little kids? / / yes i do
Abortion? / / i see both sides.
Piercings? / / yes
Make-up? / / yeah yeah
If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be? / / i really dont know..
If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be? / / :-)
What is the biggest turn off? / / guys who smell bad
What is the biggest turn on? / / green eyes :-). dark hair, tall.
wat u think love is / / love is being able to be with one person and feel so comfortable to do anything and not care and to have trust, confidence and knowing that you can spend all of your time with them and not get bored, or annoyed.
Do you think it lasts forever / / if its true, yes
Do you want to get married / / yepp
How many times / / once.
First grade teachers name / / mrs. duval
What did you hate most about school / / mrs. van neuszenhiemen.
Last song stuck in your head / / '83-john mayer
What color sox are you wearing / / none
Whats the weather like / / its cold in my house
Who do you want to marry / / someone who loves me as much as i love them.
Are you going to college / / yes
If so, how long do you want to go / / at least 4 years
How many kids do you want / / 2 or 3
private life--
do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend / / no
do you have a crush / / ehh
do you love anyone right now / / no.
have you ever been in love / / no
how many people have you kissed / / eh. peoplee.
who was your first kiss / / frankie
how many hearts have you broken: i think 1 ?
how many people broken your heart: like a million.
best quote to sum up love: there are so manyy.."That thing, that moment. When you kiss someone and everything around you becomes hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this person; and you realize that that person is the only person that you're supposed to kiss for the rest of your life. " -never been kissed
so what is your bf/ like / / none
do you go by looks or personality / / personality, but u have to have some attraction
ever kiss a friend / / not really
are you still friends / / ..
so moving you smoke / / nope
do you smoke weed / / nope
ever trip on acid / / nope
crack, heroin, anything else / / nope
beer good or beer bad / / i like beer
are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers / / na really, i like them and all.
do you like smirnoff ice / / yes i do!
prefer beer or liquor / / eh dont really care
what kind of cigarettes do you smoke / / none
are you a virgin / / yes and proud of it.
13. Coke or Pepsi: coke
14. Sprite or 7UP: sprite
15. Girls or Guys: guys
16. Flowers or Candy: Flowers
17. Scruff or Clean shaved: clean shaved
18. Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes
19. Bitchy or Slutty: bitchy
20. Tall or Short: has to be taller then me
21. Pants or Shorts: pants
22. Night or Day: nightttt
73. You talked to?: leah
74. You hugged?: daddy
75. you instant messaged?: eric
76. you kissed?: :-X
77. You yelled at?: brother
78. You thought about?: hehehehe
80. Who broke your heart?: ugh ..
81. Who told you they loved you?: jacki