5 am, march 16th...jesus on the radio, you took a photograph of me..in the yellow bucket scene.

Oct 17, 2004 08:02

well I seriously haven't updated in years... lol, but life has been alright i guess. camp reunion was yesterdayy.. I seriously missed everyone so much. i mean everyone, you all mean so much to me..and i really can't believe that was our last reunion ever as campers... the last time it will probly be okay to dance around and do crazy things..and not ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

anonymous October 18 2004, 19:08:54 UTC
i love you so much, n camp is amazing, its where all the hottest shit goes down <3 we have all been thor so much together good times n bad, but we always make up 4 the bad times, when we are together all we do is laugh and have amazing memories<3 nothing n i mean NOTHING can tear any of us apart, this summer will be amazing whether we r counselors or campers, we will still b the same goofballs we r , forever n ever the 11 is my life, i love u girls so much n yesterday was alot of fun... also fe i love u n ur amazing <3 best friends always.. ck hangout soon!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 michyy


anonymous October 18 2004, 20:40:23 UTC
feliciaa what up its maggie ( meeshy's friend ) when are you comming out to bpage dude!??!! Yer my birk buddy!!


Ck is amazing!! anonymous October 18 2004, 23:05:32 UTC
ur are a f*hott one Fe.. yesterday was off the hook..just seeing u made my dayy..haha ohh and of corse everyone else 2... lol (i love all u campies that read this!)... we need to hang out agian soon!...iam so lost without my kenwallers!...C you all soon... 11 FOREVER!!!



wow.. love_fades_slow October 19 2004, 00:04:08 UTC
felicia i love you.. and you really need to update me on a few things..
and plus - the asshole thing.. ive had that thing in my favorites for YEARS.. i think my x best friend alex sent that to me a while ago cause it kinda suited me. lol
<3 i love you


anonymous October 19 2004, 21:35:46 UTC
wow did u finally update?? ive been lookin at the same old page for years lol well the asshole thing is true as hell im glad someone brought it out to the world love you kid bff



KENWAL anonymous October 25 2004, 01:11:01 UTC
I <3 PARK SHORE............



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