A note on the previous entry, I'm getting my future house mates addicted to Firefly. 2 of them already love Buffy and a third enjoys watching the musical episode from time to time even though she has no clue what is going on! I have truly found some wonderful wonderful people for next year. Yea me!! xx Zara
I feel like I'm jumping out of my skin. I'm listening to the Killers and it has infused me with this kind of depressed energy. I need to get very very drunk. Good thing I'm going out tonight. argh. I'll post again later when I have more to say. xx Zara
Hi, I'm bored. This is my second day of gainful employment and I am starting to see that the world of work is terribly dull.
On an up note, 6 days till my birthday. I decided today that I wanted to have a party. I don't know if it will work. I don't know if anyone will come. But by my left foot I am going to try!!!