LFMS 1: Round 1: Voting

Sep 21, 2008 18:36

Only half of our participants entered this week! Yikes! That's a lot of skips used so early in the game! Nobody commented to sa they were skipping either. :( Maybe I should give more reminders? I'll try and do that.

Skipping this round: yeclek  eclecticposting  raingirl3179  maz_z

But not saying the entries we got wern't great, because they were. This is gonna be a LFMS group. Everybody writes so well! But alas, somebody must be eliminated this round, and it's up to the readers who it shall be!

Please vote for your favorite and least favorite entries. You must have good reasons for both votes. Not "I like this character" being a good reason, I'm talking writing reasons. Like "the story was emotionally gripping" or "there were a few too many spelling errors." stuff like that. The writers will see your comments. However, they won't know who said what, so be helpful to them!

Voting will end Tuesday, September 23rd @ 11:59 PM Pacific Standard Time if the number of votes by then allows it to.

Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3
Entry 4

r1, voting, lfms 1

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