Surface Tension (Chapter 3)

Sep 22, 2013 16:46

Moooore pirate/merman!AU

Chapter summary: Dean returns to the cave to look for Castiel and brings him to Bobby, who used to be a surgeon on John's pirate crew. But Castiel needs ongoing care, and Dean needs to get to Cuba. And there's only one way to do both.

For Rae.

Previous chapters: 1| 2

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fanfiction, supernatural, surface tension

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Comments 2

dc_derringer September 29 2013, 22:26:54 UTC
Cute little Castiel curled up in a basin! Oh, that needs artwork.

Also, so glad you used "If you think... you got another think coming" I've been in so many arguments about how to properly write that.


wallmakerrelict September 30 2013, 01:45:03 UTC
Anyone who makes artwork for this fic will be owed my undying soul. Just putting that out there.

Haha, I also get pretty nitpicky about that particular turn of phrase.


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