Last Updated: December 11, 2008
Cyril / "Link" →
equita_tionBFF for how many years now? They first met in elementary school, dragged into a game of make-believe by one of the girls during recess. The girl pretended to be Zelda, and would always make one of the boys be Link and rescue her from the evil tower at the top of the slide. Cyril complained the least about the roll, so that was who he usually played. At first, Khalil would play Ganondorf, but he got annoyed whenever kids would call him Ganondork, so he switched to being the cool ninja Sheik.
Cyril gets teased/mocked a lot by Sheik, but it's all in good fun. The young man has Sheik's absolute trust, and he wouldn't hesitate to take a bullet for Cyril if it meant keeping him out of harm's way.
Coolest aunt ever, brb.