I had the worst/wierdest dream last night...
It was kind of like that movie PhoneBooth, but only not. There was this guy who kept calling me and giving me a choice of who would die, i dont remember the people that were involved. He said either I could take their place and die for them, or they would die...but i was able to negotiate with him and tell him not to choose any family or close friends... so he agreed. But then he told me the catch...which was that I would have to kill the person...myself!!...This is where the dream got wayyyy wierd, i agreed. I said that I'd rather kill someone who I didnt know or care about then die for them....(which is the worst thing to say ever!) I dont know what I would do in that situation if it were real, but I hope that I wouldnt let someone innocent die. Anyways, so I had to go drive around, and I ended up at The Do-It Center, and everyone knew who I was...Ashley the Assassin! So everyone scurryed away from me because they knew if the guy on the phone said that I had to kill someone I would. I dont really rememeber the rest of it, i just remember driving really fast in a parking lot trying to get away from it...then I woke up, but when I fell back to sleep the same dream started again. It was the worst ever. I dont know what the dream was trying to tell me, maybe Im a selfish person whose capable of killing someone??? I dont think so, yes maybe im selfish, but I couldnt kill a mouse! So if anyone knows anything about dream analyzing, let me know! Thanks.