(no subject)

Apr 17, 2004 19:51

01. What is your name, birthdate and birth place ?
Ashley Renee Gonzalez, 07-07-85, San Fernando

02. Blood type and Zodiac sign ?
O+  Cancer

03. What is your height, weight and shoe size ?
A lady doesnt reveal her weight, 5'7", depends on shoe usually 8
04. How many people are in your family ?
3 including me
05. What is one strength/weakness that you possess ?
I dont usually let people give me shit,...im very dependant on people to make me happy.

06. What's your motto ?
Love yourself before you love someone else.

07. What are your favorite words ?
Serendipity, Matt

08. What kind of animal would you compare yourself to ?
A great dane, strong and regal, with a weakness for love (not the dog part though)

09. What are your hobbies ?
MattLang, running, swimming, shopping

10. What kind of special talents or abilties do you have ?
I have no idea!

11. Aside from work, what kind of computer you use, and what software program do
you enjoy using the most ?
A Sony Vaio, Compaq screen

12. About how many email pen-pals do you have ?
I dont email

13. Did you ever use the ASCII based bbs and did you ever meet anyone off of them ?
No clue what the hell that is

14. What is the first thing you do/website you check when you get online ?

15. Tell us, what's something we should avoid at all costs ?
im with Christian on the lying thing, also always do what feels right to you, dont 'join the crowd', always be yourself

16. Favorite TV show theme song ?
Family Guy, or Friends

17. What is your one favorite Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday TV Show?


18. What phrase do you say a lot ?
Hmmm Im not too sure, Matt would say..."not the mummy too!!!" with a twinge of a U.K. accent.

19. What brand of cigarettes got you hooked on cigarettes (if any) ?
Id have to say Marlboros when i was an IDIOT, DUMBFUCK, DID I MENTION IDIOT. Dont ever smoke, unless you want die from a disgusting flesh eating cancer.
20. Is there anything you won't/can't stop doing ?
Besides being gorgeous? JK...um yeah i suppose i get a twinge of an accent at times that i never notice

21. If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would you choose ?

22. What are your favorite drinks ?
water, iced&hot tea

23. What is your favorite food, and a food you would like to try but haven't yet ?
sushi and salad, ice cream, i think id like to try octopus, my mum eats it, but i wont

24. What food are you best at cooking ?
chocolate souffle, and cookies

25. What's your favorite kind of flower ?
daisies , ever since i was little

26. Where do you buy most of your clothes ?
ummm Nordstrom i think (aka Nerdstroms)

27. What do you do with clothes that you regret having bought ?
Umm i usually stick with them for a little while and end up wearing it, i dont usually regret my purchases, if i do i give them to goodwill or somewhere like that.

28. Has anyone ever given you a ring ?
Yes my mum bought me a white gold and Australian sapphire for my graduation present, oh and my grandfather gave me his platinum ring with a Mercedes emblem on it, so pimpin!

29. What brand/service is your cell phone ? Also, what song do you use as the ringer ?
Verizon, its the whistle (you know the hey sexy whistle that construction guys do!) for Matt, and some ringer for the rest.

30. What kind of skin care products do you use ?
Biore facewash, or Lancome facewash, Lancome Renergie lift at night, and their daytime moisturizer with spf 30

31. Worst childhood halloween costume ?
a pumpkin

32. How did you get your first scar ?
ummm on the monkey bars in kindergarten, i did a little flip and hit my chin on the bar and my teeth went through my bottom lip, i still have a little scar.

33. What was the last color you painted your fingernails ?
a sandy shimmery beige

34. What kind of perfume/cologne do you like ?
Theirry Mugler's Angel, Chanel, and Marc Jacobs

35. What kind of shampoo, conditioner and other hair care products do you use ?
Redken everything!...oh wait, i love Sauves apple shampoo

36. Please comment on men's make up ?
I dont really care, id just prefer Matt to not be a fag

37. What is your favorite Shakespearian play ?

38. What do you think of guys who tuck polo shirts into their jeans ?
models or idiots

39. It's a bit out of the blue, but here's the Ultimate Choice Series! Based

solely on the two choices given. Basically it is picking the lesser of two evils

- Would you choose a hot, but really poor guy/girl, or an ugly but rich one ?
which ever one is nicer, i guess the cute poor one though

- Would you choose a hot, but really stupid guy/girl, or an extremely intelligent

but ugly one ?
intelligent ugly one, i hate really dumb ones

- Would you rather be with someone who wanted you only for your money or only for your looks ?
looks because that mean id be reeeeaallllly hot

- Would you rather be with someone who you didn't trust, or who didn't trust you
who i didnt trust, i wouldnt be with them though

40. What kinds of things do you think it's really sexy when guys/girls do ?
Anything and everything he does. but especially when a guy plays with a baby animal or small one, and is totally gentle

41. What kind of person makes you think "He/She really pisses me off!" ?
the girls and boys who think they are the greatest ever, i guess TOO much confidence

42. There may be many, but what one value/trait would you like to make sure your

son or daughter had ?
i want them to be open to new ideas and cultures other than their own

43. What kind of fashion do you think is really uncool ? (girl's or guy's)
the young girls with the shorrrrrt skirts that look slutty you know the trashy clothes that fall apart, and rhinestones!!!

44. If you could travel back in time and stop yourself from doing 1 thing, what
would it be ?
 dating an exbf who turned out to be the most horrible person i ever met

45. Which Star Trek crew would you most like to have been a part of ?
i have no clue

46. It is the year 2020 and your 15 year old child has decided that "goth" is

back in style - would you be okay with that ?
as long as it was just a phase, if it got out of hand id let him/her know

47. How long do you spend in the bath/shower ?
15mins i think

48. Would you have liked to have an identical twin ?

49. You can switch bodies with a celebrity for one day - Who would you be ? and how would you spend your day ?
jennifer aniston or paris hilton, id relish the thinness

50. Army, Navy, Airforce, or Marines ?
Airforce, id like to fly

51. Were you ever in boyscouts/girlscouts ?

52. What part of yourself makes you think, 'I sure am cute!' ?
im dopey sometimes

53. When have you thought, 'I'm such a little devil' ?
hmm alot of times

54. If you could live your life over from any point, when would that be ? Why ?
im pretty happy  now

55. Have you ever been in a long-distance relationship ?
yes kindof

56. Do you think love and marriage are separate ?
yes they can be, but you cant have marriage without love, but you can have love without marriage

57. What would you do if you turned into a cat for a day ?
be cuddly and have fun pouncing on everything.

58. What would you do if you became invisible for a day ?
haha i dont know, i really have no clue, spy i guess

59. What TV show do you wish they would put back on the air ?
ummm i love lucy

60. Do you dream in color ?

61. Shopping Pride! What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought in your

whole life ? How much was it ?
Marc Jacobs jeans, $180 or my Coach bag $200 or my truck i think it was $12000

62. What is the best cure for a broken heart ?
new love.

63. When was the last time you made someone cry ? What did you do ?
i dont make people cry, they make me cry, bc im a dumb crybaby

64. At what age did you realize you could stand up to your parents ?

65. If you had to go to confession - how long would you have to be in the box ?
not a short amount of time probably

66. Next in the Ultimate Choice Series! Your boyfriend/girlfriend suddenly breaks up with you.
Which of the following reasons for the breakup is worse ?
"I've fallen in love with your best friend."
"I've fallen in love with my best friend."

the first one for sure

67. What is something you want to buy right now, and have the money to buy?
another stickyhand

68. It'd be cool to win a lot of money. What would you do if you won $3 million (after taxes) in the lottery ?
Id buy a gorgeous house and maybe go shopping, then id invest most of it.

69. What magazines do you read ?
Elle, Vogue, Cosmo, and Lucky, oh and Maxium sometimes

70. What books have you read recently ?
I just read The DiVinci Code and Angels&Demons, i love Dan Brown.

71. How many piercings do you have ?
4, two on each ear

72. What would you advise people do if trying lose weight?
eat lots of good healthy meals daily, it increases your metabolism, and exercise a lot

73. If you could have one non-domesticated animal become domesticated and own it as a pet, what would it be ?
A baby lion or tiger

75. How do you get rid of body hair ?

76. Is there any hair growing on the top of your feet?
God no, haha

77. Minimally, how long should you know someone before you can say that you've fallen in love with them ?
It doesnt matter how long youve known them, it matters if theres a connection there to fall in love, but personally just to be safe id say like 3 or 4 months so the other person doesnt freak out.

78. Do you think you have a split personality ?
i hope not, i dont think so

79. What color is most of your underwear ?
black i think, other than that its every color of the rainbow

80. What song has a special memory for you ?
It  used to be GAY dashboard songs, now its fun songs from the Smallville soundtrack

81. Besides money/credit cards, what do you carry in your purse/wallet ?
License, receipts, library cards, etc.

82. What do you treasure most ?
My family, and friends, mostly MattLang though

83. Do you believe in the existence of god(s) ?

84. You're walking along the beach and stumble upon a bottle. You rub the bottle and a genie appears. He grants you 1 wish. What would it be ?
A ton of wishes, duh

85. What do you do to lift your spirits when you feel like nothing good is happening ?

read & take a bath

86. What blood type can you not stand? (have bad compatibility with) Why?


87. What would you do if you met a person who was just like you ?
be afraid

88. What do you want to be when you grow up ?
i dont know

89. When do you think of yourself as a genius ?
when i pass tests with an A

90. When was the last time you got pissed off ?

91. What made you happy recently ?
Matt and ducks, and the rainbow in my backyard

92. Which one of your friends do you not understand at all ?
no comment

93. Tell us about a time recently, when you looked stupid for having thought
something wrong.
I always think im right and argue with Matt and end up being the jackass who was wrong

94. Make up a word and definition.
Im not that creativigistic

95. Do you think guys and girls can be friends ?

96. Share the three most painful experiences of your life.

parents first divorce, moms 2nd divorce, and when my grandmother died, as well as Princess Diana

97. You are one of the Greek gods - which one are you ?
Whoever controls the sun, i think Apollo, so i can make it sunny whenever i want

98. If the world was going to end in one week, what would you spend that week doing ?
being with the people i love most

99. How often do you write poetry ?
not too often anymore.

100. It's the 100th question! Say one last thing! (if you can, you must be tired of answering these)

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