State of Me: I still have a tendency to tag into things super late and am still pretty slow, but my participation has been way up from what it was (though not so much this month with the last bits of homeplot eating my brain), so I just need you guys to bear with me for a little while longer while I finish getting my crap together. I love my roster, I'm feeling the game again, it's all happening.
Wanda: Has basically decided to fill the social void in her life by throwing herself into as many responsibilities as she can take on, which is a lot more satisfying to her than it probably sounds. So right now she's teaching a bunch of classes, has a few clinic shifts, is co-organizing revamped island baseball, and has started working in the Psych Office now (which I've always wanted for her, but canon was so vague as to her psych experience that I dragged my heels on it for ages -- SIDEBAR: Manda, I didn't want to just throw it in without saying anything, but she can pick up the Friday shift in the office) in addition to Loss Services. I kind of want to find her things to do in the lab as well, but without a dedicated project to work on, she's not one to just putter around in there for no reason. Anyone got anything upcoming they could use help with? As I think I've said before, she tends to get a little weird and mad-scientisty when she doesn't have a lot of friends, but she still functions pretty well, and she's got enough acquaintances to keep her on the straight and narrow for the time being. That said, she still needs more friends. Getting her out and about as much as possible, meeting new people, and solidifying the few relationships she has remains the goal, so let's see how horribly I continue to fail at it going forward. >_>
Upcoming: Baseball once the teams are firmed up, and she's getting an EP next month, reading comics in the rec room for her third Islandversary which everyone should tag! Basically, I noticed that first issue of Alpha Flight's relaunch comes out on that day and decided it was high time she find out that she gets to bring her entire team back from the dead some day. She is going to be so happy you guys, I can't wait.
Sean: Oh, Sean. He's got so much going on, but I don't even know what to say beyond the facts, because my plans for him at the moment basically consist of just 'play through it.' We're still playing out homeplot, but the end is finally nigh, and it's just... ridiculous. Like, 50000 words of ridiculous and epic and I love it more than the sun. It has everything, action and drama and Russians and babies, and it was so daunting and so much fun, and seriously, wtf were we thinking, Stef? Man alive. The best part (for me, anyway) is that it somehow did double duty by helping him get over a lot of his issues and baggage while also fucking him up in all-new ways!
OKAY, SO. The rundown: Sean and Meredith are engaged, but he's in such a bad place right now that I don't know when the hell he's going to get it together enough to actually marry her and I'm sure there will be lots of glorious drama and growth along the way, but it's the sort of thing that I've learned better than to plot out. Theresa is gone, and he's all kinds of conflicted about that (he feels lousy because of the way things ended with her, but is also almost relieved for the same reason, which just makes him feel even worse). Emma is gone, and he is steadfastly ignoring how much he's going to miss the witch. Meredith has once again lost people from home, too, and he'll never stop caring when that happens.
Due to my not really playing him outside of homeplot this month, I sort of skipped over his sadbastard recuperation period, so if your pup knows him, you can assume that he was thoroughly miserable and a total drunk bastard ever since the end of March. He's finally starting to pull himself out of that now (being mostly healed up from his injuries on the space station helps with that) and will be getting back into the swing of things, growing a little more friendly and sociable, however: the drinking isn't going away. I'm just playing this by ear for now, I'll talk about it more if it becomes more of an issue, but for now, for those who know him: dude is drinking a lot. Like, more than the usual 'lulz he's an Irish stereotype' lot and making no attempt to hide it. Homeplot really did a number on him, and... he's coping. We'll see how well that goes for him.
He desperately needs new acquaintances as his pool of them continues to dwindle, but with the rough state he's in, anyone looking to befriend him will need to either be really patient or just not give a fuck. Give me your pups.
Upcoming: I'm pretty set on EPing him once homeplot wraps, so keep an eye out for that. Beyond that, no concrete plans. It looks like we're getting a Black Widow, too, so hopefully homeplot did its job in making sure he doesn't, you know, try to kill her the first time he sees her in the kitchen or whatever.
Any excuse for a picture of my Old Hollywood OT3~
Felix: Another SotP, still nothing really new to say about Felix. I remain thoroughly unconcerned. I adore him, other people seem to like him well enough, I just need to crack that whip and keep throwing him out at everyone and everything like I haven't been nearly enough. He tends to get really quiet whenever I'm not playing him, I am waaaaaaaay overdue for a canon refresh, and hopefully will get to that sometime next month under the pretense of capping a few episodes so that I can finally make him some half-decent icons. One thing that I want to get back to is his need for a family, and considering that he hasn't seen his wife or kids in over two years now, I figure it's something that weighs on him pretty heavily even if he refuses to let it get him down. I'd really like to put him into a sort of fatherly role like he had with Kate back in the day, that sort of thing. It's really the best way for him to get really close to people, with the lack of any real romantic prospects for him (why is it that all the over-30 women on the island always seem to be such take-no-nonsense types?).
Upcoming: I have a couple item ideas for him, expect them to show up in the form of either meal posts or radio posts... whenever I get around to it, basically.
The Future: I feel like such a broken record by now, but Madelyne Pryor is still next, her app has been finished for ages now, and it's getting sent in the instant I feel comfortable enough with my current activity levels to justify it and not a second before. I'm so super satisfied with my roster for the first time in a very long while, and I'm intent on keeping it that way. She's coming, though.
After Maddie, it gets a little tricky. May Parker is still on the docket, but very tentative eventual temp plot plans might end up putting her on hold for a while. In her stead, I'm so pinged right now for someone that I'm not going to name just to keep things nice and vague and not set in stone in my head. My only qualm about this person is a fleeting moment of "my wife is deeeeeead and I should have beeeeeeen there" which, while they're completely different people, came mighty close to Sean territory in a way that really weirded me out, so. We'll see. If you follow me on Twitter and are familiar with the character, you can probably make a guess about who it is, but I'm refusing to commit myself to anything after Maddie for the time being.
Haha, WOW that got long. Please comment so I don't feel like a crazy person yammering on to myself?