1. Name: Jacob King
2. Location: Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania
3. School: Strath Haven High School
4. Zodiac sign: Leo
5. Shoe size: 9 or so
6. Height: 5'10"-11"
7. Eyes: Brown
8. Pets: One kitty at Father's
11. Haircolor: Brown
12. Hair length: Long, desperately want it cut after looking at my ancient sexyness
13. Ever dyed your hair?: Yep.
14. Are you good in school?: No.
15. Do you hate anyone?: Not really, not anymore.
19. Nicknames: Jake, Jayba, Talon to Azrael (he's the only one who really calls me it when refering to Jacob)
20. Do you play sports?: No.
21. Are you a night or a morning person?: I'm highly nocturnal.
22. Are you ticklish?: Yep, but I'm masochistic in that area. I won't say 'stop' because I like it.
23. Do you believe in God?: Sort of.
24. What's your screenname?: desireofeden
25. Do you have braces?: No.
26. Do you have glasses?: No.
27. What do you want to be when you grow up?: Not sure. I'd love to be an actor/writer, but I really have no professional area in either.
31. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No.
35. Movie: The Phantom of the Opera.
36. Band/Group/Artist: Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber.
37. Store: The one that sells stuff.
39. Sport: None.
40. Vacation or spot: Nowhere.
41. Ice cream flavor: Butter Almond.
43. Candy: *shrugs*
44. car: Batmobile.
45. Class: History and Latin.
47. Day of the week: Thursday.
48. Color: Red and Silver, though not together. I would say Black, but ever since meeting Lauren Aeten I've gone nuts over the fact that black is a SHADE and not a COLOR.
49. Magazine: God if I know.
50. Name for a girl: Herm, not sure actually. Dominic still.
51. Name for a boy: Joseph, Benjamin, Naphtali, Dan, Issachar, Judah, Zebulun, Gad, Asher, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Nathan, Romulus, or Dominic.
52. Sports team: God if I know.
53. Month: August
54. Animal: Lion
56. Word: Not sure.
57. Room in your house: My room. ^_^
58. season: Don't have one.
59. Meat: I dunno. Sausage?
60. Pizza topping: Sausage and Pepperoni.
61. State: *shrugs*
62. City: New York City.
63. Feeling: Content.
64. College: What kind of question is that?
65. Number: 15.
66. Book: At the moment...and don't you athiests and fellow agnostics hit me...Genesis. It's food for my ego.
67. Cereal: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, undoubtedly. And no, it's not because I can see the taste. I really can't see the taste.
**In the past 24 hours have you..
68. Had a serious talk?: No.
69. Hugged someone?: Dad, I guess. Haven't even hugged baby sister yet...really need to do that sometime tomorrow.
70. Fought with a friend?: No. Ever since Sandi got up and left, I haven't fought with anyone. ^_^
71. Cried?: No.
72. Laughed?: Yes.
73. Made someone laugh?: Yeah, I guess. I got a 'lol' out of someone, I'm sure.
74. Bought something?: No.
75. Flirted with someone?: Nah.
76. Felt stupid?: Nope.
77. Talked to someone you love?: Yes, they didn't say much though.
78. Missed someone?: Yes.
**Have you ever...
79. Done drugs?: No.
80. Eaten an entire box of oreos?: Yep. ^_^
81. Been dumped?: No, 'cause there's only be one time where I haven't been rejected by someone I liked and things were doomed with them from the start.
82. Had someone be unfaithful to you?: I guess...in the long run.
83. Stayed home one night, just because you thought he/she would call?: Heh, I could say something romantic like that, but the thing is, I'm ALWAYS at home so it doesn't matter.
84. Been in love?: Yes.
85. Seen the white house?: Often.
86. Seen the eiffel tower?: Nope.
87. Drank alcohol?: No.
88. Played monopoly?: Yes, of course.
89. Kissed someone?: Yes.
90. Tried a weight loss program?: I like to watch infomercials. ^_^
91. Jumped on a trampoline?: Yes.
92. Colored in a coloring book(and had fun)?: When I was little, ALL the time.
93. Had a bubble bath?: Mmhmm.
94. Been on a plane?: Yep.
95. Been on a boat?: Yes.
96. Been on a train?: Si.
97. Been in a car accident?: No.
98. Ridden an elephant?: *sigh* No. Would love to though.
99. Made a web page?: Yes.
100. Played with legos?: When I used to go over my friend John's house in Elementary School: He, his friend Tam, and I used to play in an imaginary Lego world, built by him, and we used to be the three 'Masters', adequately named 1st Master, 2nd Master, and 3rd Master (I being Third Master). They would battle against otherworldly foes, and their great and ambitious leader, the EVIL MASTER. In the End, the First Master lost his arm, killed the Evil Master, and then set off a nuclear bomb which destroyed the entire Lego World. It was a tragic ending.
101. Stayed up all night: Often.
102. Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean?: Very often.
103. Broken a bone?: No, actually.
104. Called a psychic or sex hotline?: Not yet.
105. Watched jerry springer?: Yes.
106. Gotten in trouble for talking in class?: Yes, I talked with Ben a lot in 9th grade, and Ms. Lattari went nuts on us.
107. Been afraid of the dark?: Still am. Though I'm only afraid of the dark when I'm alone, obviously. When I'm with an adult, I don't feel afraid 'cause I know they'll protect me, and when I'm with a peer or someone younger I'm not afraid 'cause I know that their presence would give me an ego boost to protect THEM if something bad happened.
108. Been in the hospital(not visiting)?: When I was a baby, I was born in a hospital.
109. Had stitches?: Yes.
110. Dumped someone and regretted it?: Oh...LORD yes. Of course, I've moved on since then, but if I hadn't dumped them I'd probably be very happy right now. But then, I was in love with another person at the same time, and dumping them was the only way I could go on without being unfaithful to them. And being unfaithful is the ultimate crime for me. Sadly, the person who I was REALLY in love with ended up not liking me the same way, so I was stuck without the person I dumped, and the person who I really liked but didn't like me back. Cheery. ><
111. Went out with more than one person at a time?: No.
112. Lied?: Yes.
113. Been arrested?: No, I've never done anything to be arrested for.
114. Fallen asleep in class?: Yes. Often.
115. Used food for something other than to eat?: What do you impose?
116. Met a celebrity?: Yes.
117. Broken the law?: Nope, I'm a good little boy.
118. Skipped class?: Nah. If I'm at school, I might as well learn.
119. Hated yourself? Nope. I do quite love Myself.
120. Been brokenhearted?: I've been brokenhearted half my adolescence. Okay, almost ALL my adolescence...let's see...I started being brokenhearted during late 13, and went on until 15. Yes, there we go.
121. Broken someone's heart?: Oh yes.
122. Wanted to kill someone?: Yes. Oh yes.
123. Fallen off a chair?: Yes. Often.
124. Lap danced?: Excuse me?
125. Been in a fist fight?: Yes. I've never lost, and I've only won once. Because while I may not be too strong, I will stay in the fight until they freaking KILL ME.
126. Blown someone?: o.o
127. Like to give hugs?: I only like to hug Rachel. ^_^
128. Like to walk in the rain?: Yes.
129. Sleep with or without clothes on?: Well, not entirely NUDE.
130. Prefer black or blue pens?: Black.
131. Dress up on halloween?: Mmhmm.
132. Have a job?: No.
133. Like someone?: Yes. Yes I do. Very much so. And it is really bothering me.
134. Sleep on your side, tummy or back?: All.
135. Have a goldfish? I used to have two.
136. Ever have the falling dream? THE falling dream? Not 'a' falling dream, but THE falling dream? Well I'm not sure I'm so important to have THE one, but I'm sure I may have 'A' one.
137. Have stuffed animals? No.
138. Like to give anal sex to animals? I've found it's normally frowned upon by society.
139. Do you believe in the horoscopes: I don't believe in horoscopes, but I do believe in the Zodiac in general. After all, it has to be more than a coincidence that I am exactly like my Zodiac sign.
140. Do you like your handwriting: Sometimes.
141. What superhero would you be?: I'd like to be Batman.
142. Do you have any piercings: You mock me. Why would I give into Satan's plan?
143. Any tattoos: See above.
144. Are you picky: Yes, very much so.
145. What makes you mad: Many things.
146. What do you think of Bush: Azrael's brother Bush? He does questionable activities on Az's keyboard late at night.
147. Who do you admire?: A lot of people. They're in my Pantheon.
148. Do you like cartoons: Don't watch 'em all that often, but I guess they're alright.
149. What did you do today: Read about Israel and his sons.
150. Are your parents annoying: No.
151. Do you own a miniskirt: God I wish.
152. Do you floss: No, should I?
153. What is the farthest you have traveled: British Columbia.
154. Have you ever almost died: Yes.
155. What kind of shampoo do you use: Whatever Mother has.
156. Do you use big words to sound smart: Yep, and I often spout out big long myths and folktales to make me seem cultured.
157. When you get mad, do you swear a lot?: Yes. I don't swear often in cheerful conversation. I only swear when I'm really really angry to show that I'm PISSED OFF.
158. Ever worn black nail polish: Nah.
159. Do you do everything better then guch: Yes, of course. Who doesn't do everything better than guch? guch is incredibly superfluous.
160. How many sheets are on your bed: ...one?
161. Whats under your bed: Don't know. Don't want to know.
162. Do you have your own tv and vcr: Yep.
163. Do you see dead people: Yes. They stare at me from across the River Styx, telling me to come to them...but I won't! I won't come!
164. Are you a good speller: liek NO lmao, proers slelping is for LoS3rs OMG ROFLMAO
165. Do you like little kids: I like baby sister. ^_^
166. Are you talented: No.
167. If so, how: N/A
168. Do you watch the weather channel while getting ready in your hotel room on vacation: I like to sleep in my hotel room on vacation.
169. Ever seen a ghost: Yes.
**What do you think of...?
170. Abortion: Pro-life.
171. Bill Clinton: Bill Clinton is my Lord and Master.
172. Eating disorders: Foolish. Once again stubborn ass people not realizing that they're going to DIE. Who CARES if you're fat? I mean, sure, it may cross your mind that being fat isn't healthy, but aren't eating disorders WORSE?
173. Rap: Don't bother with rap.
174. Suicide: I'd...rather not talk about suicide. It's stubborness and refusing to listen to people that care about you. It makes me sick.
175. Piercings: Satan's plan.
176. Make-up: When used in excess, it's disturbing and turns a person into a monstrous demon. When not in excess, it can be pretty.
177. Alcohol: Satan's plan.
**What do you think when you hear this name:
178. Jennifer: My Mother's best friend's daughter.
179. Leah: "Cow" in Hebrew. The first and FORCED wife of Jacob, married out of the trickery of her Father Laban. Mother of six of Jacob's dozen sons, eight including her handmaiden Zilpah's sons: Gad and Asher.
180. Megan: Annoying woman I used to know.
181. Brandon: Oi. Taylor.
182. Christina: Crimson!
183. Angelina: Johnson from Harry Potter.
184. Courtney: *shrugs*
185. Lauren: Aeten
186. Lisa: I don't like that name.
187. Jackie: Nothing comes to mind.
188. Kat: McGonagall
189. Patrick: The evil Lycan dude on MH who stole Dorjan's avatar.
**This or that
190. Pierced nose or tongue? Both are Satan's plan, but the tongue is a symbol of a harlot. Nose Rings are just...tolerable.
192. Single or taken? Single's alright, but being taken is a lot more fun.
193. Mtv or vh1? Neither.
194. 7th heaven or Dawson's creek? 7th heaven! ^_^
195. Sugar or salt? Sugar of course.
196. Silver or gold? Silver is one of my favorite colors, as I've stated before, but I like both.
197. Tongue or belly button ring? Ring? Then both are symbols of harlots. I like the idea of a jewel in the Belly Button though. Reminds me of a Djinn.
198. Chocolate or flowers: Chocolate.
199. Color, or black and white pictures? Color.
200. Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise.
201. M&M's or skittles? M&Ms.
202. Rap or rock? Rock, definitely.
203. Stay up late or sleep in? Stay up, which leads to sleeping in.
204. Members of the opposite sex...tall or short? Short.
205. Sun or moon? The brilliant Luna, who's calm and forgiving gaze beams down onto all Terra's sleeping children.
206. What time is it? 9:28PM
207. Diamond or ruby? Diamond.
208. Left or right? Right.
209. Cat or dog? Kitty!
210. Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup, of course.
211. Newspaper or magazine? Newspaper.
212. Spring or fall? Spring.
213. A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? Friendship, what do you take me for!?
214. Happy or sad? Happy...
215. sneakers or sandals? Sneakers. Sandals give me blisters.
216. Blondes or brunettes? I don't care, though I like brown hair over blonde.
217. Duct tape or scotch? Scotch.
218. Pepsi or coke? Don't have an opinion.
219. Nike or adidas? Neither.
**love life**
220. If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be: ...no comment.
222. What is the biggest turn off: Can't think of one.
223. What is the biggest turn on: Can't...think of one?
224. Do you think there is a person for everyone: No.
225. If yes, do you know who yours is: No.
226. Do you believe in love at first sight: Yes.
227. Have you ever been in love: I think you asked that before.
228. What do you think love is: Won't go into that.
229. Do you think it lasts forever: It can. And sometimes it can't.
230. Do you want to get married: Yes I do.
231. How many times: 15 times! Because it's my favorite number. And I want to be married to them all at the same time and live in one huge polygamist household in Utah. Okay, no, seriously. I really only want to get married once and stay with that person.
232. First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Donch - but wait, what the hell does that have to do with love life?
233. Last thing you said: 'what the hell does that have to do with love life?' (applies for this question too)
234. Last song you sang: 'Jacob and Sons' from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
235. Last meal you ate: Pizza for dinner.
236. Favorite childhood cartoon: Heh, don't remember. Prolly Dragonball Z.
237. Thing you hate about skool: Homework.
238. Last person you flipped off: I don't 'flip people off'. I find it to be immature.
239. Last song stuck in your head: "Joseph's Coat" from Joseph and the ATD.
240. Last time you were burned: Dunno.
241. Last time you bled: ...Dunno.
242. What's in your cd player: Nothing.
243. What color socks are you wearing: I'm not wearing socks. ^_^
244. Whats the weather like? Dark.
245. What time did you wake up today: 6:00pm
246. Who do you want to marry: I don't know.
247. Are you going to college: Depends on my grades.
248. If so, how long do you want to go: Well, colleges normally last four years...
249. How many kids do you want: 12!
250. Where do you want to live?: Somewhere far far away from Wallingford, Pennsylvania.
251. Are you happy this surveyy is oveR?: YES. DEAR LORD. THIS WAS A HELL OF A LONG SURVEY.