Dear Yuletide Santa...

Nov 20, 2010 15:13

Dear Yuletide Santa,

Hi! Thank you in advance for writing me a sure-to-be-awesome story! ♥ ♥

I know my request form was really, really vague (lolunderstatement), and I'm sorry if that is frustrating for you! But I really am that easy to please, heh. I like all types of fic, I don't have any hard-and-fast OTPs, and I have almost no squicks. Dark, light, het, gen, slash, femmeslash, multiwhatever, serious, goofy, happy ending or depressing as hell, I love it aaaaaall. That said, I will try and elaborate somewhat, as nothing specific! is hardly helpful. :)

Likes: comedy, unconventional pairings, slice of life fics, tattoos, swearing
Dislikes: animal abuse, out-of-character kink, extreme humiliation, pie

This Is Wonderland
I love the quirkiness of this show, and it's heart - which is also very quirky. *g* Elliot is my faaaaavourite - he's so adorably dorky and flustered all the time. I also adore the judges, who are hilarious and wonderful. Gen is totally great, but ship-wise I have a soft spot for Alice/Nancy.

Murdoch Mysteries
This show is a recent discovery of mine, and oh, I am glad I found it. The historical setting is a lot of fun, and interesting to see how things get done without all the modern advances. Casefic would be fun, if you have the writerly brain for that kind of thing (I don't, lol), maybe something set in the "future"? The characters' future, that is, like the 1920s or 30s? Or something set in series that highlights the friendships (or morethan-friendships, either way) of the main characters. Basically, as long as Julia is a badass (as she so is), I will be very happy. :D

The Shield
It actually took me a really long time to watch all of this series. It's so dark, I had to break up the seasons with light hearted fluffy things so as not to go into an angst coma. That said, I loooove angst, and I love the grit and bluntness of the show, so please feel free to go as extreme with that as you want. I didn't request anything specific here, but I would love to read something about Ronnie post-series. His evolution throughout the series was absolutely fascinating, and thinking about where he'd go from the end makes me happy. Other characters I find endlessly fascinating are Dutch, Billings (was he always that lazy and greedy, and if not, what happened to make him that way?), Danny, Julien (does he ever accept himself, do he and Vanessa ever have a kid, does he make Detective?), Claudette... okay, basically I love everyone, and I think there's so much potential for pre-series, post-series or alternative perspective fic.
Note: This show is extreme, and so it follows that the fic will be, too. That is A-okay. Like I said, I have next to no squicks, save the above listed, and I'm totally good with reading non-con/dub-con/violence/hatred/etc. I'm a big girl, I can take it. :D

Lola (song)
This is my favourite song ever, and I was :D! to see it nominated as a fandom. I think the story it tells is wonderful. Any take on it would make me happy - a fleshed out version of the story in the song, what happened to Lola and/or The Narrator after the fact, either of their pre-song stories. Or anything else you can come up with that fits the spirit of the song! I am, of course, good with whatever. :D

So there you have it. Hopefully that provided some kind of inspiration for you if you needed it, and if you want to do something completely different, that's cool, too. *g* Thank you in advance, mystery author, and I look forward to squee-ing at you appropriately when the time comes. :D


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