[real life] and again | "in a cab on a weeknight..."

Dec 03, 2018 11:47

It's a pretty miserable day here today, but a good day to drop back into LJ.

I'm still on University holidays and only working the same day and a half that I was during the teaching year as that's my contract these days. It means lots of spare time. Last week I re-grouted the shower in my ensuite. The excitement is real ( Read more... )

character: ga: cristina, real life: med life crisis, #unlikely

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Comments 13

crickets December 3 2018, 04:51:34 UTC
There's still a group called comment_fic I think (I could have that wrong) but I don't know how active people are in the comments. I'm still plotting your Josh/Liza fic BTW. I need to refresh my memory about what happened the last two episodes.

I feel like even THE SHOW ships Liza/Charles and they keep throwing the Josh/Liza fans a bone just to string us along. LOL. I could be wrong.

I'm sad you didn't get into outlander. How far did you get?


waltzmatildah December 3 2018, 22:31:37 UTC
Oooh, thanks. I will check it out and probably pretend I'm going to fill some prompts, open a Word doc with the best of intentions, and then slowly lose the will to live!

BUT YAY for J/L plotty plotness!! Woot! I used to swing between thinking the show shipped L/C and then, that it didn't (though not that it necessarily shipped J/L either). I think there are definite hints on occasion that the shows sees L/C as a 'romanticised ideal', but that reality may not measure up.

Or maybe that's just my wishful thinking coming through!!


swirlsofblue December 3 2018, 17:30:45 UTC
Yay for free time.

Yay WELL DONE for passing!! *Throws confetti*

Maybe you just need a break, and that maybe includes no writing.

As mentioned in the comment above, comment_fic is quite active. Other than that, I don't think comment fic really exists anymore, not on livejournal at least. And maybe it's just me not understanding tumblr/not being in the right places on tumblr, but I tend not to find comment fic over there either. With tumblr it seems more like people send prompts to individual fic writers.


waltzmatildah December 3 2018, 22:35:52 UTC
Thank you, thank you!!

I've been having a look at comment_fic, so I'll subscribe to that community and keep an eye on things. I definitely don't understand tumblr or how it works, so would likely have no hope finding exactly what I was looking for over there (and am therefore kinda glad people aren't saying, yep, tumblr is where it's at, because I'd be lost if that was the case!).

Have a fabulous day :D


frelling_tralk December 3 2018, 18:14:27 UTC
Congratulations on passing your first year! :D

And I haven’t seen challenges on tumblr, I don’t think they’re really a thing there, but I do occasionally see them on LJ and DW depending on how popular the fandom is


waltzmatildah December 3 2018, 22:36:38 UTC
Thank you!

Yeah, it seems LJ (and DW) are where they still tend to be found, which is promising, as I have no idea how to use tumblr! Haha!


anigo December 3 2018, 19:02:33 UTC
Congrats on passing! That's amazeballs and a huge accomplishment. You deserve a standing O.

(And thanks for the Christina gif. Extra points awarded for that!)

(And since I now have a bunch of userpics it was a toss up between "wonder woman" for your accomplishments or the awkward elevator scene. I went for the elevator scene. )


waltzmatildah December 3 2018, 22:40:55 UTC
Thank you so much!

And yes, yay for Cristina and Cristina gifs. There should be more of them, tbh :D

I appreciate your icon choice! The elevator really should have been a credited character on GA back in the day (and possibly still, I guess, I just don't watch anymore to know the way in which it's still included).


sometimesartist December 4 2018, 07:50:47 UTC
Congrats on passing!

PS: I absolutely adore that Oh Pep! song. Their record is on my top ten for this year :)


waltzmatildah December 4 2018, 22:28:57 UTC
Thank you! And oh, how amazing is it??! I only recently discovered it when they did a guest spot on a digital radio station that I listen to here in Australia (Double J), and I was like... what is this perfection??! I have since listened to the song about 50 times in three days!

And maybe I'll go listen to it again right now!


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