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Comments 14

callmeonetrack December 6 2010, 02:55:32 UTC
Aw! That Jessica Andrews song is a blast from the past! So pretty. I wonder what ever happened to her....


wand3rlust December 6 2010, 16:32:29 UTC
I have no idea what happened to her, but I don't listen to country music much anymore. It's funny to me that a country song actually worked with BSG... normally I would never even associate the two at all. heh But in this case I couldn't help the parallels between the song and their night on New Caprica. :)

Oh and this is way OT, but last week after stalking your fics, I discovered your battlestarbook series and was just about dying with laughter! <3 it!!!


callmeonetrack December 6 2010, 16:36:04 UTC
I know what you mean, although they are kind of cowboys and outlaws (in space!)

I vidded Starbuck to Mary Chapin Carpenter's I Feel Lucky, which was kind of hilarious and awesome (the lyics include "Hot Dog, I feel lucky today" and I paired it with her punching him out in UB. hehe) I also made a Kara/Tigh/Alcohol vid to Garth Brooks' Friends in Low Places but it got yanked down pretty quick cuz of music rights.


wand3rlust December 6 2010, 17:12:50 UTC
Awww stupid youtube :/ I know the feeling, many of my older vids have been pulled or blocked. I would have LOVED to see the Kara/Tigh vid. :D Is your Starbuck vid still up? What's your YT Channel?


latteaddict December 6 2010, 06:08:25 UTC
Such a thoughtful and great effort! UB is everything bright and dark in K/L's relationship, your comments on each song are lovely!

Definitely d/loading. Thanks.


wand3rlust December 6 2010, 17:00:16 UTC
OMG Thanks!! I know you don't know me because I just came into the fandom, but from what I've seen already I seriously <3 your fics and vids!! Hope that's not too creepy. :D And thanks very much for the comment I hope you like the songs. :)


cosetteferaud December 8 2010, 23:04:12 UTC
I have been listening to your fanmix since I downloaded it yesterday and it's fantastic. You have included some artists whose music always reminds me of Lee and Kara (The Fray, Incubus, Linkin Park!!,) and some of the songs I had never heard before are just so perfect for the pilots --I especially like "Either Way" (loooove this one so much, those violins kill me ;P) and "Every Time" (I am not a fan of country either, but this song makes me feel all warm and fuzzy; the lyrics are so fitting for their night on NuCap *sigh*).

Plus, I really enjoyed reading your thoughs on the songs, UB is my favorite episode of anything ever ;P Thanks for sharing!


wand3rlust December 9 2010, 00:30:03 UTC
YAY awesome, I'm very glad you like it. :)) The idea to put my thoughts on the song actually came from your mixes - so thank YOU actually. haha

I threw in a couple songs that I figure a majority of people won't have heard of unless they follow hardcore metal bands (From Autumn to Ashes and A Perfect Circle/Tool) as well some randoms that are indie artists too.

And if you've never heard of Guster, I highly highly highly recommend their album "Lost and Gone Forever" It's one of my all-time favorite go-to albums. Plus it has at least 5 songs that fit Kara and/or Lee so much! I definitely plan to use their songs again in at least 2 more more mixes.


solestella December 14 2010, 02:05:45 UTC
Downloading, thanks!


wand3rlust February 3 2011, 00:12:06 UTC
I was just editing this post when I noticed your comment. I don't think LJ ever notified me... but just wanted to say thanks for commenting! Hope you enjoyed it. :)


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