Title: “Back Stage: Enter Stage Left, Act I”
Rating: Varies between chapters- possible mature content in later chapters
Spoilers/Disclaimers: Torchwood belongs to the BBC and RTD, I’m just borrowing the characters. It’s an AU story, so I’m pretty sure it shouldn’t spoil anyone’s enjoyment of Torchwood itself.
Summary: Torchwood characters in a story set in the contemporary world of UK Theatre/Entertainment.
Chapter List
Back Stage: Enter Stage Left, Act I
Chapter 1:
http://wanda1969.livejournal.com/23346.htmlChapter 2:
http://wanda1969.livejournal.com/23875.html Chapter 3:
http://wanda1969.livejournal.com/24316.html Chapter 4:
http://wanda1969.livejournal.com/24350.html Chapter 5:
http://wanda1969.livejournal.com/24721.html Chapter 6:
http://wanda1969.livejournal.com/24883.html Chapter 7:
http://wanda1969.livejournal.com/25250.html Chapter 8:
http://wanda1969.livejournal.com/25532.html Chapter 9:
http://wanda1969.livejournal.com/25619.html Chapter 10:
http://wanda1969.livejournal.com/25963.html Chapter 11:
http://wanda1969.livejournal.com/26145.html Back Stage: Interval
Chapter 1:
http://wanda1969.livejournal.com/26578.html Chapter 2:
http://wanda1969.livejournal.com/26791.html Chapter 3:
http://wanda1969.livejournal.com/26963.html Chapter 4:
http://wanda1969.livejournal.com/27187.html Chapter 5:
http://wanda1969.livejournal.com/27480.html Back Stage: Act II
Chapter 1:
http://wanda1969.livejournal.com/27849.html Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5: