
Oct 27, 2004 10:36

hi hi, it's been a long time. Okay, so it's been a couple of days, btu that's a long time for me. I'll update soon, but first!

First best friend: umm, a girl anmed Leah
First car: don't have one, and nor do I want one, but I think I'm gonna have to get one!
First real kiss (that meant something): Joe
First screen name:oh lord, i don't remember, quirkymommie?
First funeral: technically, some relative's a don't remember, I was only 1 year old when it happened
First pet: a parakeet
First piercing: my ears
First credit card: yeah.....
First musicians you remeber hearing: the first stuff I remember listening to was all the musicals from aunt diane

Last Cigarette: must we ask this question
Last car ride: when the gronek's dropped us off after haunted house
Last kiss: when mike left last week(tear tear)
Last good cry: when mike left last week
Last library book checked out: oh lord, years ago
Last movie seen: don't remember
Last phone call: mike, this morning on his way to work
Last time showered: yesterday
Last shoes worn: ha! i hate shoes, so probably when i went to fright fest
Last cd played: emily's relax music for when she goes to sleep
Last item bought: dinner at denny's
Last annoyance: ummm, emily not pooping
Last disappointment: mike having to leave
Last shirt worn: probably the "just give me the candy" shirt
Last websitevisited: hotmail.com
Last word/sentence you said: "why can't she just leave"
Last song you sang: the abc's for emily

What is in your cd player?: umm, emily's relax music
What color socks are you wearing?: white
What color underwear are you wearing?: black
What's under your bed?: another bed
What time did you wake up today?: 05:12
What's the last thing you ate? a bowl of corn pops

Current mood: gross
Current music: the maury povich show
Current taste: tea
Current hair: all up and messy
Current clothes: betty boop pj pants, brown tank, socks, and chicago fire sweatshirt
Current annoyance(s): step-bitch
Current desktop picture: stupid pumpkins
Current book(s): PS-I love you
Current hate: step-bitch

Who do you like? lots of people
Who do you miss? mike
Who did you last see? saddam hussein
Who did you last see that isn't family? some lady that lives in my building
Who do you want to see? my friends, some family, and mike
Who did you last think about? jennitine
Who did you last talk to? mike
Who are you probably going to call in the next hour? to hell if i know, if I call anyone, it'll probably be gram
Who are the 10 last calls to that you made? mike, mike, marcy, mike, matt, gram, mike, kit, ashley, gram
Who did you last text mes.? to hell if i know

Okay, so haunted house was awesome! we had wonderful people and made a lot of money. I think I'll see the slide show over and over again in my head, but meh. I went through it! TWICE! Now, you'd think that since I knew where everyone was, I wouldn't be scared. but no, i screamed at every turn...almost. I even had to stop at one of the corners. i said I hated every single one of them, but I don't. I love them, it was a blast! and we mad a lot of money! woot!

umm, mike and i had a really good conversation one night. I realized exactly how much I do love him and how much it sucks that the two of us are apart. he hates being apart from emily and me. but he's tryng to deal with it. he's such a peach and I don't think I can imagine living the rest of my life without him. I can't wait until we can all be together again. on a lighter note, he and mark got the new GTA game. It's suposedly really good. Aparently the hookers say way better things than any other game. lol.

I got my period yesterday! not that periods are all that great, but whatever. I thought you all should know. meh. I ssssssooooo loved not having my period, but oh well.

okay, yeah, so that powerpoint that I was working on...I was working on it with my puter..not this one. well, for some reason it won't copy onto anything, so I cna't show you all. that just sucks ass. it's really cute too.

yeah...i guess that's all.

don't forget to give me hugs! go to my user info to give me hugs (remember you can give me as many as you want).

Wanda Mae

PS-I'm thinking of making this journal friends only...give me your opinion on this?
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