Moar! This might end up being a five parter

Apr 11, 2010 14:52

Green Phoenix-Sage, white mint, grey amber, papaya pulp, crushed grass, cucumber, green musk, green tea, and lime rind.
Meadowy green, with no flowers whatsoever, the papaya gives it a hint of sweetness, like a drop of syrup. The sage and mint is light and sort of wafts gently on top of the musk. It's not 'me' per se, but it's very calming (now we know WHY it's not me). This might go in line for a bottle.

Phoenix Steamworks-Burnished gold and oiled bronze notes with Abramelin incense and sage.
Very incense-y, but not in a college hippie kind of way. With the sage note, it's almost masculine to Green Phoenix's feminine.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Bat-A sparkly, batty little scent: green tea, melon, mint, lime rind, and champagne grape with lemon balm, mullein, and toadflax.
I've wanted to try this from the beginning. The name is adorable and it sounds yummy. ...Interesting. Not bad, just highly unusual. Very clean, melon tea with sparkles and some mint on top. Sweet and not sweet at the same time.

Le Serpent Qui Danse-A sinister, darkly seductive scent inspired by poetry of Charles Baudelaire. Violet entwined with vanilla and gardenia.
Ok, if this doesn't work either, I might just give up on violets. Very thick, dark flowers but not overpowering. Can smell the violets and gardenias. Again, I want to like it but something is throwing me 'off'.

Spare Change-No description but reviewers have mentioned leather, metal, powder, and aquatic between them. I am also getting aquatic cologne with a 'tang' of metal and a bit of mint. After a moment there's a breath of leather but it hides again almost as soon as I think of it.


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