More translations...
The night of the celebration Her body still burning, the woman who had become a Summoner returned to the waiting area. She met the eyes of the two guards. The man was a close friend of her late husband, and a mage1. The younger sister was the village’s (The village mentioned here is not Besaid. It is the birthplace of the Summoner leading this group. It is thought the village was not that far from Besaid.) best swordswoman/woman fencer. When the two were about to raise their voices, the dizzy woman’s legs gave out (from under her). Her isolation and power left her and there on the stairs, she turned as she began to fall. The man of heresy rushed forward, watching as she fell, not going to be in time.2 So he thought. In an instant, she was caught his arms. As he sighed in relief, she said in a trembling voice,
"I was able to become a Summoner.”
When they separated, she looked at the guard's faces. After her husband had died, one would think this would be the first time she would want to share things like joy and excitement with another person. However, on the face of the guard she thought of fondly, a bitter and painful expression surfaced. The Summoner dropped her gaze to the lower section of stairs. There, smiling and bowing her head in assent, was the figure of the swordswoman.
The lady Summoner did not know the heart of her male guardian.
Thinking of the result of a journey headed towards death, (The fact that one’s life must be given in exchange for overthrowing “Sin” was widely known.) he controlled his temper. He remembered the day they set out on the trip from their hometown. From the top of a gently-sloping hill, the face of the lady Summoner looking back over her shoulder at their hometown. With eyes deep with sadness and a mouth that trembled with wistful longing.3 He had felt the sudden urge to embrace her. To love the wife of a dear friend was bitterly painful.
“I absolutely will kill ‘Sin’,” the Summoner said, facing her guards.
Her resolution was firm. Even if his heart were to be hurt, it wouldn’t sway or change in any way, would it? To that extent, embracing an obstinate and wholehearted memory, that was why she must have gained the aeon’s power.
“Now let’s keep going! Hey, Aniki, you could be a little more cheerful.” The swordswoman’s voice.4
“You’re too noisy. Why don’t you shut up!” the male guard roared at his little sister.
The Summoner, leaving the arguing brother and sister behind, headed outside the temple. It was already night.
In the temple’s main plaza, the arranged bonfire burned bright red merrily. Under the limitless starry sky, there were laughing voices. The village people, to celebrate the new Summoner’s journey, were having the celebration. (A Summoner’s journey, for an ordinary person, is a journey that wishes “Sin’s” downfall. Such a celebration let the Summoner know that hope was strong.)
To the woman, it was an annoying event.
For someone who had a very personal reason for going on a journey to kill “Sin”, everyone’s feelings about sending her out like a messiah were depressing.
The Summoner left the circle of activity to watch the people from a separated spot.
A small group of friends5 looked at the Summoner off and on: the boy with the forelock that stood up in a point, the boy who was popular for playing blitzball, the girl who always kept her cool. The swordswoman guardian was a companion of this group.
The village’s adults came and went, always with words of encouragement.
That’s what depressed her. Because she hadn’t decided to go on a journey to save the world. Still, she was excited about having become a Summoner, and couldn't even worry about sleeping before the journey.
1. The definition for the term the books used was either "evil ways" or "heresy". Don't ask me why. ~__~; I thought "heresy" was I knew it must mean something else! Oh well, corrected it so no more "man of heresy". ^__~;
2. This was three separate sentences!>_<* wtf?!
3. Okay, "なつかしい" is a difficult world to translate into English. It means "dear, good-old, longed-for". It's something you think of wistfully that you can't have (or had in the past but don't have now). So...yeah. Get it? Got it. Good.
4. "Aniki" is another nickname for "older brother". But I wouldn't say to Sean, "Hey, older brother! You could show a little more cheer!" And if you suggest "big brother" I'll stab you. >__O
5. I exaggerated a bit here. It was "少年たち" which is like "the boy and them" which just sounds silly in English, thus the change. Oh and *cough* that's Wakka, his brother and Lulu *cough*. ^__~;
...I feel like I should be dancing around with maracas to this song or something. ^___^;