I think Criterion would only give Jarmusch my first question but I'd love to hear him answer #3 or #4. I'd also like the Criterion staff to read #2 even if Jarmusch never sees it. ;D
I'm not sure I can pick a favorite Jarmusch film since Down By Law, Mystery Train and Dead Man are equal in my mind, but very different films. I usually just go with Down By Law as my fave because it seems like a great blend of Mystery Train & Dead Man
I like your DVD list, it seems like you put a lot of thought/work into it. NoShame is my new fav DVD label. I too have the Ercoli set and the Miraglia set. And who could resist that Red Queen figurine?!?!
Thanks! I've still got 20 more reviews to write but I'm making progress and #11-20 should be up in the next day or two. I can't resist any giallo box sets... I'm afraid I'm a giallo junkie. ;D
huh...from reading your main favs here and other spots- would it be fair to say that your MAIN movie loves are (well, of course the first) horror and kitschy/camp films?
I know you enjoy a giant range of films (well, books and comics and probably music too)- but the horror and Japanese camp seem to float towards the top a lot.
Just curious....(and I could be totally off base, of course)! ;)
Horror is far and away my favorite film genre, but you should know that by that now. ;)
After that I really love crime/spy/heist/action movies a lot and I also have a soft spot for musicals. More then anything, I just really like 60s-70s cinema so I suppose kitschy/camp sort of just goes with the territory but I tend to like a lot of artsy fartsy stuff as well.
I still have 20 more reviews to write thuogh and there are a lot of dramas & Criterion DVDs I still plan on mentioning.
There's no numerical order to my list really, but I did feel the urge to write about Ganja & Hess first because the movie was probably the best "new" (at least to me!) thing I saw last year and I really fell in love with the movie. I watched it for a second time last week and was even more impressed with it.
you remind me of how few giallos i've seen (and how many million are suddenly on dvd)
Last year alone there were about 8 or 9 giallo films released which was pretty amazing. I can remember when I was only one of 4 or 5 other people on lj who had "giallo" in their lj interests... boy have times changed! I'm really happy that so many more films have become available in recent years. I plan on adding a few more giallo films to my list of favorite dvds once it's done. I've still got 20 more to review and I'm trying to decide which ones will make my list. I'm beginning to think I should just focus on horror films in my film blog since it's the one genre that really dominates my movie watching habits.
Comments 8
I still have yet to see Strangers in Paradise, but I still think his best film is Dead Man.
I'll comment about the list of best of 2006 over at your blog, but so far it's looking good from what I've seen!
I'm not sure I can pick a favorite Jarmusch film since Down By Law, Mystery Train and Dead Man are equal in my mind, but very different films. I usually just go with Down By Law as my fave because it seems like a great blend of Mystery Train & Dead Man
I know you enjoy a giant range of films (well, books and comics and probably music too)- but the horror and Japanese camp seem to float towards the top a lot.
Just curious....(and I could be totally off base, of course)! ;)
After that I really love crime/spy/heist/action movies a lot and I also have a soft spot for musicals. More then anything, I just really like 60s-70s cinema so I suppose kitschy/camp sort of just goes with the territory but I tend to like a lot of artsy fartsy stuff as well.
I still have 20 more reviews to write thuogh and there are a lot of dramas & Criterion DVDs I still plan on mentioning.
you remind me of how few giallos i've seen (and how many million are suddenly on dvd)
Last year alone there were about 8 or 9 giallo films released which was pretty amazing. I can remember when I was only one of 4 or 5 other people on lj who had "giallo" in their lj interests... boy have times changed! I'm really happy that so many more films have become available in recent years. I plan on adding a few more giallo films to my list of favorite dvds once it's done. I've still got 20 more to review and I'm trying to decide which ones will make my list. I'm beginning to think I should just focus on horror films in my film blog since it's the one genre that really dominates my movie watching habits.
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