So after Surf Cup in San Diego, I drove up to Anaheim to visit Becky. I actually drove past Anaheim into LA, and wasted an hour + getting back to my intended stop. We hung out, and drank, and played settlers. Next day I drove North, checked out a spot or two along the way.
I camped Tuesday night at Morro Strand State Beach, near Los Osos. So I pitched my tent and settled down with my guitar, playing by the light of my headlamp, or just by ambient light. As I played, two girls walked up to me from a nearby campsite. One says, very hesitantly, "Are you ... alone? I hesitated with disbelief, and replied "Yes". Again she hesitated, "'re sitting here...playing guitar...alone?" I couldn't get why she found the idea so difficult to believe, but eventually replied, "Yes". So I spent the rest of the evening hanging out with her and her companions, drinking and talking, and went for a walk on the beach with them. There are pictures on FB, and we are all FB friends now. I woke up in the morning, a little hung over, and did yoga on the beach. As I sat in half-lotus with my eyes closed, I had a totally Alex Grey vision of the ocean and the beach and myself. As I packed up camp and prepared to depart, several people asked me if I was the one with the guitar. Yes, I said, hoping I hadn't bothered anyone. Much to my surprise, comments were "We'll miss your playing tonight" or "I enjoyed your playing". I was pleasantly surprised, I know I am getting better and all, but I can't really conceive of other people enjoying my playing / practicing.
Wednesday, I drove North again, up into Santa Cruz County and Big Basin Redwoods State Park. Did some hiking around in the giant trees. It was simply amazing, sights, smell, and the feel of a place so ancient and full of life. I camped under a giant tree, the width of the trunk was significantly bigger than my 8' x 8' tent. I was a walk in campsite, which I found much superior to the usual drive up and park next to your tent deals. Went on an intense hike the next morning, climbing a couple thousand feet to get to a panorama of the great forest. Buzzard's Overlook: well worth the work.
Thursday I drove into San Francisco and visited with Mike S, an old high school buddy. He is doing well out there, got himself a good salaried job and a nice place to live. At that point, a shower and a couch were all I wanted. Friday, I drove out to Danville CA for the Mustang Stamped Girls tournament. Spent the next three days reffing some boring girls matches. Much lower level of competition than the last two tournaments I had worked.
Monday I drove up to the top of Mount Diablo. It was fucking amazing! I sat on top of the mountain, looking out at one of the top 5 fantastic panoramas I have ever seen. I played guitar, and wrote lyrics to help me remember the feeling of being there. It was so enjoyable I delayed my departure back to the city for a couple of hours.
I saw two different personal training sessions happening in public places on this trip...maybe I should take a second run at that hustle.