merlin vid rec

Sep 24, 2010 03:23

I was going to make a proper post, but it's 3am and I'm still not asleep and such_heights's Merlin vidlet Backseat just made me fall apart and cry. It's stunning. Go watch it.

Merlin is breaking my heart this season. I haven't even managed to watch 3.02 yet, I don't have the courage. (Or the time to be honest. Oh god, school! *clings*)

I mean, it used to just be romanticised, idealistic children's fantasy that was so ridiculously cheesy and over-the-top it was perfect. It played the tropes well; it was a happy, safe thing that made me smile every week -- and now that it's not, it feels like my childhood is being murdered. It's very sad. I think I've managed to assimilate my issues with the show (see: here & here) to my issues with the death of idealism, or something really weird like that.

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