Title:Impossible Renegade - Uragirimono Dekimasen
wane_of_undoing and
cookieduck90 Genre: Drama, Romance, Angst, AU, Suspense, Thriller,
Rating: R - NC-17 Warnings: Gore, Language (cursing, but not every other sentence sort), Blood, Sex, Torture, Heavy Violence
Bands: Penicillin, Alice Nine, the GazettE
Pairing: Hakuei / Tora (main), Tora / Hakuei (main), Ruki /
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Comments 9
I made some inhuman noises when I saw the pairing (Hakuei x Tora...HELL YES!), but lord this is excellent! Nerve wracking, full of tension and excitement, I simply cannot wait for an update, I'm hooked!
The only issue I have isn't with the story itself, but with the lack of spacing between paragraphs. It totally killed my eyes XD But other than that its fucking perfect. More, please! xoxo
Livejournal keeps eating the < br / (line breaks) T_T and I put like ... 3!!!! And it ate it all ;_;
Hurhur, wait till I tell cookie we has our first fan xD! <3 thank you so much for reading~~!! - records said inhuman noises xD - YAY~~!
We're really excited about this pairing too ;3
What can I say xD I got inspired by your writing?
To have the next chapter.... We shall demand .... Pron~! Jkjk xD wait till you see what we've done LOL XD;;;;
Edit: Fixed them damn line breaks D:< I hope that helps!
- flails about as undies are thrown at -
- holds up panties? - 8D; - frames up -
uh... YAY XD!!
Underwear collection count: 1
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