Owen had worked on Ianto all night and well into the next day, and the man was as bloody infuriating almost dead as he was alive. He kept on trying to die, even when Owen strictly forbade him to and smacked him around with the defib paddles, and so many little vials of serums had gone into his body that Owen was starting to worry about adverse reactions to those experimental drug combinations. Something else he'd had no time at all to research before this was dropped in his lap.
It was the mixture of Jack's blood and antibodies plus the antidote from that immortal snake's venom that seemed to make the biggest difference but even then it seemed like there was no time for the antivirus to work with as Ianto was so far along into death that Owen could practically see the dark rolling in. But Owen had wrestled with Death before, and kicked its ass, and he wasn't going to let it take any more of his team, his friends.
The potion Owen had bargained for was not a cure. He was told that repeatedly. It wouldn't fix Ianto and it wouldn't repel the virus, but what it would do was give Ianto time. A kind of stasis, giving time for the antivirus to either work or fail, and that was pretty much the best they could hope for. All this and Owen knew that in the end, at home Ianto would die. According the Gwen, he already had. If Ianto ever left the City, his body would revert right back to how it was when he arrived and there wasn't anything Owen could do about that.
But here in the City, Ianto was still alive. And he was going to bloody well stay that way, if Owen had to beat him with a stethoscope to make him smarten up and start trying.
[Torchwood 3 encryption || unhackable]
Twenty-four hours and well know for sure. You can talk to him, but I don't promise he'll hear you. Through the comm though, no one else gets in that room yet.
So. Library people. Do you deliver?