So, I found a car that's for sale. And from what I've calculated, I'm quite sure I can afford it, though it means me dropping cable internet :/ Well, I could afford it even if I did keep cable internet, but I figured that it'd be the easiest thing to sacrafice
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Comments 9
They only quote companies they know are going to rip you off harder than they are.
It might be worth it for you to go see Judy at Bill Hartman/Farmer's Insurance. They're in Longbranch Station in downtown Nampa. Take the stairs up from the Mexican restaurant, they're at the top of the stairs.
You could call an agent that handles multiple companies ("independent"). I have my insurance through my parents' agent up in Idaho and it wasn't nearly that high through Progressive (with my required coverages for a car on a loan)... Progressive was also much cheaper than Allied for me (who my parents use).
Good luck *hugs*
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