Oh. My. God. CHAINSAW OF NATURAL SELECTION, that is honestly the funniest thing I have heard all week! Fucking LOL!Whatever reference you are making, I am down with that. I wish I could use a CHAINSAW OF NATURAL SELECTION on the damn lady who sold me my pesto roll at the co-op today!. kudos to you, good sir! :-D
He must be related to my roommate.grifen411July 21 2005, 05:37:50 UTC
My roommate takes at least an hour in the shower, at least that's how long he as the water running for. Lucky for him the water bill is paid by the apartment complex or I'd have already killed him.
Comments 7
Hehehe I'm gonna miss that comic, sighs. Aeire was one of my favorite artists. I think im mispelling her name too :-P
Charles Darwin! He's our hero! Baggin those with an IQ of zero!
Dont worry kids, Ill stop them with my CHAINSAW OF NATURAL SELECTION!!!
It suddenly occurs to me you prolly have no idea what I'm talking about :-P Que Sera Sera
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