Star light, star bright- go see Bolt instead of Twilight :/

Nov 21, 2008 03:57

So I just saw Twilight.  I'm really bummed out by many things about the movie.  I know it should be an accepted fact that the book will always be better than the movie- but this was just brutal.  The dialouge was terrible, the acting was terrible [except for the Cullen family- discluding Edward].  Edward and Bella were both awkward, Edward did get better after the baseball scene, but I feel like Bella was awkward the entire movie.

I don't like how they cut out the Cullen's history lessons on how they came to be because you have no back ground on the family now.  My mom thinks they'll be saving that for the second movie- which maybe that's a good idea, since the second book is solely about Jacob and Lord knows I don't wanna sit through a movie with no Edward and it's all about Jacob.  I just think it would be a complete waste of time.  Book two can be summed up very VERY quickly.  Jacob is involved with a pack of warewolves...annnnnnd warewolves and vampires don't get along.

BOOM, we're over book 2.  It's seriously that easy.  In all honesty, I'm only worried/hopeful that they make book 4 into a movie.  Three I'd be okay with, but I feel like they could condense 2 and 3 in a 20 minute segment, and get us up to date and ready for the rest of book four.  Seriously, they don't have any problem RUSHING through huge parts of the Twilight saga anyway, they made that crystal clear in this movie.

They rushed through so much.

The scene, where Edward reveals his skin in the sunlight is supposed to be CRAZY ROMANTIC.  And it was terrible:

Bella: "You're a vampire"
Edward: ..::throws Bella onto his back::.. "WE MUST GO TO THE SUN!"
Bella: "wtf, why?"

wow, that's romantic.

I did like the effects his skin had in the sun.  I thought they did that very well.

And I liked Charlie a lot better in the movie than i did in the book.  But overall, I give it a 3 out of 5 stars.  And I'm only giving it that many- because I know the story and I feel bad for them for not doing a better job, yet still managing to get the genearl jist of the story out there to the public.  Not the worst movie I've ever seen- but definitely not up to Twilight standards.

Let it be known, on opening night in Cincinnati, Ohio- no one clapped after the movie ended.  Not one.single.person.

[I've always heard clapping on opening midnight releases]
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