[Early in the day, people throughout the village might spot a suspicious rainbow streak jetting upwards into the sky. Higher and higher and higher she flies... Until, suddenly, that rainbow streak is rapidly plummeting down, faster and faster until there's a resounding CRASH!Oh, was that your house she bumped into? Maybe your garden? Business?
Read more... )
Or he would be, if it weren't for the shadow of a cloud falling across him. Curious, Pommy turns around and looks up, blinking at it curiously. Were clouds supposed to be this close to the ground?]
Yeah, I know what that's like. My friend Fluttershy's usually so shy that even her own shadow scares her, but when she gets mad, it's like she's a whole different pony.
[She talked down a dragon and... kinda went crazy at the gala.]
Lilith isn't shy or anything like that, but when she got mad even Bomberman was scared of her, myu! [And when a guy called "Bomberman" is scared of someone...]
[Must like bombs or something.]
He a friend of yours?
[Just a random guess.]
You're a hero?
Pommy's the cutest hero in the whole galaxy!
You sure you're not a sidekick?
[It's technically true; he's just neglecting to mention that it was Bomberman who did all of the actual fighting.
So, yes, he totally is a sidekick.]
But, heh, she'll humor him anyway.]
And how'd you do that?
[He hops, his ears flopping.]
So Pommy and Bomberman worked together to defeat her and prove that there are heroes who can protect the universe!
[Total lie. But to be fair, he was actually left behind on the Warship Noah while Bomberman was whisked away to another dimension to fight the Angel by himself. Then again, Pommy wasn't much use in the earlier fights, so.]
Still kinda sounds like you're a sidekick, but I guess taking on an angel's a pretty big deal.
It was a very big deal! Pommy bets Rainbow Dash hasn't done anything like that.
[OH SNAPS! You ain't jus' gonna let that pass, are ya, R-Dash?]
[With her friends, but it still counts.]
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