I've been surfing and I havent found one good domain that I used to visit. Because you guys all sucked and died. Except for Mexian.net and Utopist.org. At least someone doesn't suck. (wait. theres also Aestia.org...Artistia.net...Sicksidearte.net..stop proving me wrong people.)
Yesterday I walked around with my mom in my neighborhood at like 10pm. We talked a lot, she told me about her first date when she was in grade 5. How she and this guy went into a theater through different doors and left through different doors so no one would know. She never saw him again, because he went to a different school. But she found out
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skeptic dead men: i had a french test today. MikeAtWaterloo: and how did you do? skeptic dead men: eh. not great i think. i didnt know some verbs like..to buy and to stay MikeAtWaterloo: purchaser, and um....stayer
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If you see anything different thats good. I changed my design of the LJ and changed my info a bunch. Yeah, all spiffy cool now isnt it. Made a bunch of LJ icons too. This is all mad-cool
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