Some guy found hookers on Craigslist and killed them. A few weeks ago when Daddy and daughter were visiting the great grandparents in Albuquerque, they'd dug up a dozen dead hookers from one spot in the desert. Across the border in Vancouver, there was the pig farm guy. Pig farmers know how to dispose of carcasses, and any good serial killer knows how to find hookers. Here at home, the Green River flows along just down the road from our place. It's elsewhere along this river that the Green River Killer dumped the bodies. To say nothing of Jack the Ripper.
Now what if these were not hookers dead but waitresses. Imagine that decade after decade there's always some new twisted fuck who kills off another dozen waitresses. This doesn't even count the waitresses killed as one-offs. Imagine that waitresses were getting dug up out of the desert. In Albuquerque, one of them was pregnant when she died. What if that had been a waitress's baby slowly smothering in her dead mother's womb?
There'd be a campaign, there would. Marches and TV spots and slogans. And measures would be taken to secure the safety of the waitresses. Waitress killing would be denounced from here to there. Whatever it was about a waitress's job that made her so vulnerable to violence and murder would be fixed. As a nation, we'd stand up for these women.
But they're not waitresses, they're dirty whores. Fuck 'em.
Alternatively, end a system that grinds up our most vulnerable citizens by legalizing hooking.
PS: Spend less on enforcement + taxing previously tax-free service = economic win-win.