Cool thing number two:
The Owl. A large grey and white owl that flew across the road, sweeping down in front of my Jeep, so as to get my attention. Without any hesitation, I felt the full force of his presence and was in awe. I immediately decided that he was but a sign for me. Perhaps a sign of inspiration or motivation. I've chosen to accept my own meaning for that moment. I say that creature determined and uninterrupted. Fluid. Charging into the wind, undeterred.
I wish to internalize such meaning by staying the course, not relenting, maintaining motivation and inspiration. I, not unlike the owl, have a presence. Rare and unique, I feel compelled to share my genuine positivity with the world. For goodness sake, I must find some new vocabulary to better describe what I'm feeling.
From this morning's thought processes I am convinced that it would be negligent for me to not pursue further education in how I cultivate and distribute these energies I possess. I need a teacher, a guide. Though I feel a little lost in my attempts to do such when I cant even describe what it is that I want to learn. It's bigger than my mind can currently accommodate.