→ Backtagging: ALWAYS UP FOR IT! DON'T BE SHY! I'm the sort of person who can wait a month between tags and be happy to continue the thread where we left off if you like!
→ The Fourth Wall: Seeing as how Adam is post-canon and a going theory among the fandom is that The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch is really the book itself, go right ahead! Adam won't care and neither will his mun! \o/
→ Affection: He is an eleven year old boy. There are occasions where it will be welcome but mostly it'll get shrugged off with a huff. Other characters are free to do it to him, however.
→ Violence: Ask my permission.
→ Sexual: He is 11. No
Mind reading: Ask my permission, first.
Mind control: Ask my permission. I doubt people would be able to control him since he did break through the power trip he was on when he started realizing the extent of his powers, but it's not definite. We'll have to see how it works.
Aura reading: It gets mentioned in-canon that Adam has a rather large aura. So large that it looks like he doesn't have an aura at all. I believe the metaphor used was "the reason she couldn't see Adam's aura was the same reason the people in Trafalgar Square couldn't see England."
⌈The biggies⌋
Rape, pregnancy, torture, sex, etc.: Oh. my. God. He is eleven years old. No. No. No!
⌈A note on Adam's powers⌋
As far as Adam's powers to warp reality are concerned, I'm going to have them work only on his own world and within CO--but they will only be used in CO only for the purpose of lulz and with moderator permission. I'm interpreting how they work to be similar to how Haruhi Suzumiya's do, but he has more awareness about it. Namely, if Adam wants something to happen, it will happen, and if he believes something to exist a certain way, then that will happen, too. However, if someone takes the time to explain to him that, no, the world doesn't work that way, or he himself realizes that isn't how it's supposed to work, then he'll instantly fix things to how they're supposed to be and apologize for what he did.
There's also the issue of a primal "knowledge" he gets at one point wherein he just knows how things should go together. This will only apply to his plane and will be used sparingly as I interpret it as being a once-in-a-while desperate-situation-thing when the purpose he was created for and who he actually is collide with one another.