Dr. McNinja Applies To The Meatship! (April 2009)

Jan 01, 2020 11:58

Your name: Zippy
Your LJ: lady_zip
Your email: m_w_zippy@hotmail.com
Your AIM, MSN, or Yahoo handle: LadyMWZip

Character's name: Doctor McNinja
Character's LJ: wantstobebatman
Character's canon: Webcomic - The Adventures of Doctor McNinja

Brief Unnecessarily verbose personality outline of your character:
Doctor McNinja is... well... a ninja who grew up to become a doctor. Although raised to follow in his proud family's footsteps and become a professional ninja, the good doctor followed a calling to medical school instead and now has his own clinic in the city of Cumberland, Maryland.

The Doc is often conflicted about his dual nature, the contrast of his desire to kill and to heal has been an issue in the past, but in most instances his chosen path as a doctor outweighs his ninja background and he chooses a non-lethal if not non-violent path. When he is forced to kill he feels sincere guilt over it afterward, no matter how justified his actions.

Doc's family raised him in an intensely proud family tradition and they continually make it clear that they think poorly of his doctoring profession and think he should be a full time ninja like mom and dad (Mitzi and Dan McNinja). Doc is consistently bothered by their lack of support and the point of contention never goes unmentioned when his family is around. (Actually, Doc once put his mom, dad and little brother in mortal danger so they would get beat up and he could finally impress them with his doctoring skills; although, this was a decision made while he was MASSIVELY drunk and being coerced by the ninja's mortal pirate enemies).

Despite his tendency toward humor and sarcasm in many situations (a self-defense mechanism coupled with just being jaded to the crazy shit that keeps happening to him) Dr. McNinja takes on the challenges that come to him very seriously. When a situation is bad he gets his game face on, devises a plan, and takes charge to solve things because he's usually either the only one who will bother or the only one who's capable of making things right.

Doc has a firm dedication to helping people. It's the driving force behind his career choice, behind the assistance he offers to people when they happen upon him in dire straits, and it carries over into a desire to advancing medical science as a whole for the benefit of everyone. He was once invited by a former mentor to help create a medicine to cure death and he chose to take on that quest over an equally important request for help from his father because he felt the death cure was of more long term and world-impacting importance, his chance to do something beneficial that will last.

The Doc has said himself that he's more of a solo worker, and as such he initially had little interest in taking on his sidekick Gordito, whom he met while encountering raptor banditos; however, Doc took him under his wing anyway - almost as a matter of course - and they quickly developed a strong mentor/student bond. He kind of enjoys teaching Gordito the finer points of adventuring and combat. (Like how to deliver a proper verbal snipe before killing someone.)

On a day to day basis however Doc is pretty normal. He's just a guy with a useful combination of skills who lives in a very weird world where the mayor of Cumberland put spacesuits in everyone's houses in case of zombies and and Dracula has a secret base on the moon (he's visited). There are ninjas, pirates, monsters and lobster-guys in his world as a matter of course and although civilians see to regard him as something of a folk hero, he is simply not that much of an anomaly and as such he doesn't have much of an ego about all the stuff he's done. Jumping into a warehouse through a skylight is just another day at the office.

Other things to know about Dr. McNinja:

- Trained with Batman???? (He sleeps in batman pjs!)
- Hallucinates like, every time he gets seriously injured.
- Drives a honda accord.
- Can survive even with only a kitten's worth of blood left in his body presumably through sheer ninja force of will. (And a strong desire to tell death to stuff it and rescue his sidekick.)
- Made a deal with police in the city of Cumberland that allows him to get away with all kinds of illegal stuff in the name of general good so long as he can make it back to his office and call 'base' before being captured.
- His office is practically a bat cave. He lives on the premises in a sealed off underground area accessed from behind trick bookshelves and apparently has a stockpile of advanced laboratory equipment.
- His receptionist, Judy, a gorilla, was hired by the Doc for her consistent professionalism.
- His list of things to do before he dies consists of: 1) Jumping off a tall building, and improvising a way into a safe landing. 2) Going to Mars and finding the cure for cancer. 3) Finding true love (Aaaaaaaawww) and 4) Punching out a dinosaur. (Done and done!)

Brief history and background of your character:

Dr. McNinja's Point Form History (by Dr. McNinja)

- Battled Ronald McDonald for the honor of my family name. (Me = 1, Ronald = 0. Booyah!)
- Cured a child with Paul Bunyan's Disease and prevented him from being hunted down by men who wished to kill him, stuff him and put him out front of a used car lot. His mom was still mad about the pierced ear.
- Went to Thanksgiving Katannaka (SIGH) with the family. Heard the story about the origin of the McNinja's AGAIN.
- Went out and got drunk, struck a deal with some very ballsy pirates, hallucinated about a turkey, went and rescued my family from the ballsy pirates, failed to demonstrate doctoring skills to their full potential.
- Found a raptor in my office, punched it unconscious (Item four is off the list! Woo!)
- Uncovered conspiracy involving paleontologists-turned-banditos, organic jetpacks, MySpace, and Fox News.
- Somehow acquired sidekick from the raptor bandito squad. Gave Gordito the spare bedroom in the officecave. Yoshi the Raptor came too.
- Passed up helping dad defeat 80's action movie star Frans Rayner and his army of drug-enhanced ninja mooks to help my mentor - the clone of Benjamin Franklin - create a medicine to cure death. Dad went into hiding.
- Got ambushed by ninja mooks, crashed my awesome car, Gordito got kidnapped, Ben died (again), got shot by dudes from a helicopter.
- Told the specter of death to suck on it, went back to the office, broke up Judy and Yoshi's fight over hotdogs, stitched up my flesh wounds.
- Went and got my dad out of hiding, developed an airborne antidote to Frans Rayner's ninja-drug, invaded Franz's base.
- Had to kill a lot of ninja mooks cause dad can't pull off one simple straightforward airplane heist.
- Rescued Gordito with Yoshi's help, then swung Frans Rayner around by his dumbass ponytail and threw him off a cliff.
- Buried Ben. ;_;
- City invaded by zombies of all the drug-ninjas I killed. Pulled off amazing car stunts and fought my way through the city with Judy and Gordito to activate the Zombie Defense System. Gordito shot Zombie!Ben. SERIOUS DISCUSSIONS LATER.
- Sent Gordito to train with my family so I could focus on finding out what made the ninja mooks turn into zombies and rise from the grave. (Other than the obvious desire for revenge.)
- Discovered that Ben completed his anti-death serum and returned from the dead, causing all the people in one area of the cemetery to return from the dead too. Zombie!Ben was the first Benjamin Franklin. Dug up Ben Franklin 2. Huzzah for not-dead mentor!
- Resurrected Ben turned out to now be undead creature who fed on hair.
- Ben got anti-death serum in a roundabout manner from Dracula. Great...
- Shook down Red Cross headquarters (it's run by vampires).
- Ben apparently now part Headless Horseman, with hair consumption serving as the trigger preventing him from transforming fully, took a plane to Transylvania to confront Dracula.
- Ben freaked out hungering for hair on the plane, transformed into a full Headless Horseman and ran away after the plane crashed.
- Got teleported to Dracula's moon base from Transylvania
- Punched him and tried to escape, got cornered. Dracula threatened to use his servant, the Ghost Wizard, to use a terrible secret power on Gordito. - Sassed him, he called my bluff and made the Ghost Wizard possess my little brother instead. Dick move, Mr. Dracula.
- Gordito won anyway. HA!
- SURFED ROBO-DRACULA BACK TO EARTH FROM THE GODDAMN MOON!!!! (This was awesome, seriously. High five to Sean for knowing how to operate a Robo Dracula!)
- Went back to Ben's grave to bring him some pizza, settle his last earthly business and all that jazz. Picked up Gordito, drove home.
- Freaking MARTIN showed up in my office! >:[
- Had to help Martin deal with his monster-rage powers screwing up and his debt to the Cumberland Mafia led by King Radical.

(Lots more details here and here if you really need them.)

Sample Post:
He had plenty of equipment back home in the office cave. DNA analysis software, fingerprint scanners, one of those spinny things that whirls samples around really fast. This? Well the Doc hadn't seen anything this advanced in his life.

It made him feel weird, like a caveman who had used an early wheel standing next to a shiny new Honda Accord and just being gobsmacked by the sweet leather interior. He was standing in a medical lab that might as well have been ripped out of Star Trek with a freaking stethoscope around his neck. (That little green guy certainly seemed to agree that Doc was archaic, haughty thing that he was...)

Damn, he wished he had some kind of time-travel adventures under his belt. That would have been really useful about now.

He picked up one of the smaller contraptions and turned it over between his hands. "Jeez, and no manuals even? Don't tell me the space-future has no manuals. Natural selection can't have worked THAT well."

If the character has magic, mutant, or otherwise metahuman abilities, please explain:
Doc can't really be considered a meta human I don't think so I detailed his 'powers' below.

Non-superhuman special abilities of note:
The good Doctor McNinja is both doctor and ninja, which is honestly a pretty awesome pairing of skills!

His ninja abilities have been honed since childhood and this allows him to have reflexes and combat skills that are about as incredible as possible without making him technically superhuman (he'd rank similar to Karate Kid from Legion of Superheroes perhaps). He's got all the classic 'ninja' tricks down pat; expertise with swords, shurikens and other ninja weapons, sneaking into places, sticking himself up on walls and ceilings, andcharging through minefields of booby traps, rolling proverbial crits all the while. He has experience fighting all kinds of supernatural and 'out there' enemies such as raptors, lobster men and ghosts (the forest around his office is haunted).

Although apparently a general practitioner Doc has special knowledge of all kinds of ridiculous diseases and syndromes that apparently exist in his universe (like Paul Bunyan's disease and the development of Organic Jetpacks). He has autopsied the (un)dead and run all manner of tests on them, developed an antidote to a drug that gave it's users ninja-skills in a matter of hours (essentially engineering his own kryptonite), and stitched up his own bullet wounds. He has claimed to be a podiatrist, seen to be operating as a dentist and it has been stated in comic canon that he is additionally trained in 'surgical arts'. So... pretty broad spectrum of skill on the doctoring really.

apps, trans_9

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