Hit me with your best...

Mar 01, 2012 00:21

...shot at the 98th class' stage names? 8D

(The graduation announcement)

It's pretty silly of me to be doing this, considering the name readings will likely be posted tomorrow or the day after, but... I guess I just like to challenge myself?

(By rights these should all have question marks after them, but I think I can have at least some degree of accuracy based on other seito's stage names etc.)

暁 千星 Akatsuki Chisei
小春乃 さよ Koharuno Sayo
天華 えま Amahana Ema
真條 まから Manasuji Makara
瑠風 輝 Rukaze (Rurikaze?) Akira (Hikari? Kou?)
綾 凰華 Aya Ouka
澪乃 桜季 Miono Ouki
遥羽 らら Haruhane(?) (Haruha? Touwa?) Rara
潤奈 すばる Junna Subaru
飛龍 つかさ Hiryuu Tsukasa {I fully expect to be wrong on this one @__@}
真彩 希帆 Maya (Maaya?) Kiho
星南 のぞみ Hoshina (Seina?) Nozomi
美都 くらら Mito Kurara
紫乃 小雪 Shino Koyuki
彩波 けいと Ayanami Keito
穂稀 せり Kouki(?) (Homare??) Seri
湊 璃飛 Minato Riho (Akito?)
峰果 とわ Mineka Towa
有沙 瞳 Arisa Hitomi
麗 泉里 Rei Senri? Urara Seiri?
夢乃花 舞 Munoka Mai
七輝 かおる Nanaki Kaoru
鳳華 はるな Ouka Haruna
風輝 駿 Kazaki Shun
天希 ほまれ Amaki Homare
蒼真 せれん Aoma Seren
華雪 りら Hanayuki Rira
叶海 世奈 Kanami Sena
清華 蘭 Kiyohana (Seika? Sumika?) Ran
周旺 真広 Chikao(??) Mahiro
紫咲樹 れの Shizaki Reno
夕渚 りょう Yuunagi Ryou
瀬南海 はや Senami Haya
音風 せいや Otokaze Seiya
桜花 りな Ouka Rina
美丘 安里 Minaoka Anri
茉玲 さや那 Mirei Sayana
妃月 ゆめ Hizuki Yume
尚央海 りせ Naomi Rise
澄月 菜音 Sumizuki Naoto

Notes: muffin_song pointed out that there are zero katakana stage names this year o_O;;; Maybe they all heard that stupid rumor that "no one with a katakana name becomes top". (It sounds ludicrous, but as far as I know Anju Mira is the only exception to this "rule".)

Personally I found it interesting that no less than five girls chose to have three-kanji names. I thought this was unusual, and looking back over the last several years I got 2011 = 3, 2010 = 1, 2009 = 0, 2008 = 3, 2007 = 0, 2006 = 1. So yeah, definitely higher than average ^^;;

...Goodness gracious, it's almost 12:30AM ^^;;; *crawls back into hidey-hole*


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