29 April (Sun) - 9:35AM Depart Phoenix
~a few long plane-rides and layovers later~
30 April (Mon) - 7:25PM Arrive Osaka
1 May (Tue) - 1:00PM Soragumi kouen
6:00PM Soragumi shinko if I'm lucky ;______;
2 May (Wed) - No plans yet, meet up with friends?
3 May (Thu) - 11:00AM Soragumi kouen with FM-san ♥ Spend the rest of the day catching up?
4 May (Fri) - 12:00PM "Hidamari no Ki" (Alice-chan's stage) shonichi
5 May (Sat) - No day plans yet
Night bus to Tokyo
6 May (Sun) - Yukigumi kouen (one of the two)
Kitarou ochakai with cool bros
Night bus to Osaka
7 May (Mon) - 1:00PM Soragumi kouen with cool bros
8 May (Tue) - Possible day-trip with cool bros?
9 May (Wed) - 5:00PM "Hidamari no Ki" with the wife ♥
Night bus to Tokyo
10 May (Thu) - Yukigumi kouen?
Yukigumi shinko hopefully
11 May (Fri) - Wifey leaves :(
Hang with cool bro Angela
Night bus to Osaka
12 May (Sat) - Hanagumi Bow maybe
5:00PM "Hidamari no Ki" with H-san and FR-san ♥
13 May (Sun) - Try for Soragumi toujitsuken?
Meet A and her babyyy ♥ ♥ ♥
14 May (Mon) - Watch Soragumi parade and stuff
15 May (Tue) - 8:15AM Depart Osaka
~ridiculous backward-time-traveling later~
1:10PM Arrive Phoenix